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Preservation of Affordable Multifamily Housing

Directory of Affordable Rental Preservation Resources

An Exploration of State- and Local-Level Subsidized Housing Catalogs: Initial Findings
National catalog of subsidized housing units. From National Low Income Housing Coalition.

Preserving Assisted Rental Housing: National Data Infrastructure
Listings of organizations (from selected states) that collect preservation-related data. From Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing and Florida Housing Finance Corporation.

Green Resources Relevant to Preservation of Affordable Multifamily Properties Initiatives by State
Summary of "green" incentives relevant to preservation of affordable multifamily properties. Also see full list of key "green" initiatives in the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. From National Housing Trust.

Subsidized Housing Data
Information on federally assisted housing inventory for the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. From National Housing Trust.

Inspection Scores for HUD Multifamily Properties
Results from HUD's assessments of physical conditions of all HUD-related multifamily projects. From HUD.

Recapitalizing Affordable Rental Housing: A Handbook for Nonprofit Owners
Strategies for nonprofit owners of affordable rental housing who need to recapitalize their properties or are contemplating the purchase and rehabilitation of existing affordable rental housing. Includes a resources appendix for selected states and a glossary. Also, see chapter 2 of "Stemming the Tide: A Handbook on Preserving Subsidized Multifamily Housing," which presents a table of Federal Preservation Tools designed to address different aspects of the preservation problem and are tailored to market circumstances. From Local Initiatives Support Corporation.

Glossaries of Preservation Terms

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