Iraqi families grieve over relatives who were killed in a suicide bombing, April 17, 2008, in the Diyala province.


Iraqi families grieve over relatives who were killed in a suicide bombing, April 17, 2008, in the Diyala province.

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'City of death' may be key to Iraq's future

Diyala was once the bloodiest of the 14 provinces where Iraqis will vote Saturday for new provincial councils. Shiite Muslim Arabs, Sunni Muslim Arabs and Kurds rub against each other, and their battles transformed Baqouba from the city of oranges to the city of death. Al Qaida in Iraq killed hundreds in Baqouba's main square and just last week, a family of nine was slaughtered in their home. Now everyone in Diyala is waiting to see if ballots, rather than bullets, can bring change. » read more

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Washington Bureau Chief John Walcott discusses US foreign policy and the new global reality

Super Bowl Sunday is a prime time for consuming guacamole

Joe Johnston / San Luis Obispo Tribune / MCT

Super Bowl Sunday is a prime time for consuming guacamole


Think NAFTA was a bad deal? Not for Super Sunday dip fans

On Super Bowl Sunday, more than 46 million pounds of avocados will be consumed, mostly as guacamole heaped on chips. That's enough avocados to fill Tampa's Raymond James stadium, from end zone to end zone, to a depth of almost 18 feet. Thank NAFTA for that. Last year, Mexico became the largest supplier of avocados to the U.S., and not a moment too soon: The California crop this year was a bust. » read more


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Quietly, Michelle Obama lays the groundwork for policy role

While her inaugural wear, choice of a decorator and disapproval of unauthorized Sasha and Malia dolls make headlines, first lady Michelle Obama has quietly assembled a staff that's steeped in women's and workplace issues to support her role as a policy advocate. » read more

Medical marijuana raid raises question: What's Obama policy?

A recent Drug Enforcement Administration raid on a South Lake Tahoe, Calif., medical marijuana dispensary showcases one of the legal conflicts inherited by the Obama administration. » read more

Next step unclear as judge defies Obama on Guantanamo

The chief judge of the Guantanamo war court Thursday spurned a presidential request to freeze the military commissions for 120 days, saying he would go forward with next month's arraignment of an alleged USS Cole bomber in a capital terror case. The judge said the request would deny the public's interest in a speedy trial. » read more

Scientists hope satellites will solve riddle of missing CO2

Only half of the carbon emissions that world dumps into the atmosphere evey day actually stays there. Scientists, however, have never understood where the rest of it goes. Now they're hoping a pair of satellites, one from NASA, the other from Japan, will help identify the forests, pastures, crops and soil — even golf courses — that soak up carbon dioxide. » read more

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