The President's Council on Bioethics click here to skip navigation



The President’s Council on Bioethics
November 28, 2001 - June 11, 2009.
This site is now being archived.

Advising the President on ethical issues
related to advances in biomedical
science and technology

Dr. Edmund Pellegrino
Edmund D. Pellegrino

"To advance human good and avoid harm, biotechnology must be used within ethical constraints. It is the task of bioethics to help society develop those constraints and bioethics, therefore, must be of concern to all of us."
Chairman's Bio

What's New Header

Brain Death— Are persons diagnosed with "brain death" really dead? In recent years, numerous questions have been raised about the clinical and ethical validity of the neurological standard for declaring death. The Council explores these questions in Controversies in the Determination of Death.

Newborn Screening Nearly 4 million U.S. newborns undergo genetic screening each year. In the past, such screening was limited to diseases for which effective treatment was available. Now most mandatory programs also screen for conditions with no effective treatment. What are some of the ethical issues to consider when developing public policy on this issue?


Stacked Covers of PCBE Reports

We invite you to read our reports on ethical issues that arise from advances in biotechnology and biomedical sciences. Such issues include: determination of death, human cloning, human dignity and bioethics, newborn screening, stem cell research, alternative sources of stem cells, end-of-life care, the regulation of assisted reproduction, and the uses of biotechnology that go "beyond therapy."



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Topics of Council Concern

(Life Extension)

Aging and End-of-Life

Beyond Therapy (Enhancement)

Biotechnology and Public Policy

Bioethics Commissions

Bioethics in Literature



Council's Future Work


Drugs, Children, & Behavior Control


Health Care

Human Dignity

Memory Boosting/Suppression

Mood Control



Newborn Screening

Organ Transplantation


Property in the Body

Research Ethics

Sex Selection

Stem Cells



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