Archives and Records Administration

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Title 5
Administrative Personnel

Revised January 1, 2009
1 I 1-699 Office of Personnel Management 3/26/09
2 700-1199 3/11/09
3 II 1200-1299 Merit Systems Protection Board 6/5/09
III 1300-1399 Office of Management and Budget
IV 1400-1499 Advisory Committee on Federal Pay
V 1500-1599 The International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board
VI 1600-1699 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
VII 1700-1799 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
VIII 1800-1899 Office of Special Counsel
IX 1900-2009 Appalachian Regional Commission
XI 2100 Armed Forces Retirement Home
XIV 2400-2499 Federal Labor Relations Authority,
General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
and Federal Service Impasses Panel
XV 2500-2599 Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President
XVI 2600-2699 Office of Government Ethics
XXI 3100-3199 Department of the Treasury
XXII 3201 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
XXIII 3301 Department of Energy
XXIV 3401 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
XXV 3501 Department of the Interior
XXVI 3601 Department of Defense
XXVIII 3801 Department of Justice
XXIX 3900-3999 Federal Communications Commission
XXX 4000-4099 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
XXXI <4100-4199 Farm Credit Administration
XXXIII 4301 >verseas Private Investment Corporation
XXXV 4501 Office of Personnel Management
XL 5001 Interstate Commerce Commission
XLI 5101 Commodity Futures Trading Commission
XLII 5201 Department of Labor
XLIII 5301 National Science Foundation
XLV 5501 Department of Health and Human Services
XLVI 5601 Postal Rate Commission
XLVII 5701 Federal Trade Commission
XLVIII 5801 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
L 6001 Department of Transportation
LII 6201 Export-Import Bank of the United States
LIII 6300-6399 Department of Education
LIV 6401 Environmental Protection Agency
LVII 6701 General Services Administration
LVIII 6801 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
LIX 6901 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
LX 7001 United States Postal Service
LXI 7101 National Labor Relations Board
LXII 7201 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
LXIII 7301 Inter-American Foundation
LXV 7501 Department of Housing and Urban Development
LXVI 7601 National Archives and Records Administration
LXIX 7901 Tennessee Valley Authority
LXXI 8101 Consumer Product Safety Commission
LXXIV 8401 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
LXXVI 8601 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
LXXVII 8701 Office of Management and Budget
XCVII 9701 Department of Homeland Security Human Resources Management System (Department of Homeland Security--Office of Personnel Management)
XCIX 9901 Department of Defense Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Systems (Department of Defense--Office of Personnel Management)

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