The U.S. Census Bureau

Federal, State, and Local Governments
2004 Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finance Data

Education finance data include revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets (cash and security holdings) of elementary and secondary public school systems. These data are available in viewable tables and downloadable files. Information related to file layouts and definitions can be found in the Technical Documentation below.

NOTE: FY 2004 State Level Tables (1 & 2) updated on August 25, 2006

 Available Data  
Viewable Data
* Public Education Finances Report PDF

Downloadable Data
Three formats are available -- Excel spreadsheets, comma-delimited text files and SAS datasets. The fixed-length file is no longer available.

Directions for downloading files:

The Excel and comma-delimited text files will open in the same window. On the menu bar, go to File, then Save As to download the files to your computer. When opening the SAS dataset, first save to your computer and then open the file.
State-level Tables
State-level tables containing selected revenue, expenditure, debt, and asset data items are available in Excel format.
* Excel Elsec04_StTables.xls
Individual Unit Tables
These files contain data for selected revenue, expenditure, and debt data items for all school systems.
* Excel Elsec04T.xls
* Comma-delimited Elsec04T.txt
* SAS dataset Elsec04T.sd2
All Data Items
These files contain data for all items on the F-33 survey form, as well as unit identifiers, descriptive variables, and summary data items. Each file contains data for all school systems.
* Excel Elsec04.xls
* Comma-delimited Elsec04.txt
* SAS dataset Elsec04.sd2
Data Item Flags
Beginning with FY 1999, the F-33 school system finance files include data item flags to indicate whether a data item was reported by the state education agency or adjusted by the Census Bureau.
* Excel Elsec04F.xls
* Comma-delimited Elsec04F.txt
* SAS dataset Elsec04F.sd2

 Reference Information  
* Technical Documentation information related to file layouts and definitions
* 2004 Survey Form PDF printable version of the 2004 survey form

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division
Created: March 06 2000
Last revised: April 01 2009