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Avian Influenza Project

Duration: October 2006 – September 2008


  • World Health Organization/ India,
  • Food and Agriculture Organization/ India

Geographic Focus: National in scope


The ongoing outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in birds and the potential for a human influenza pandemic that could have major global health, economic and social consequences is a matter of concern for all. A total of 61 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa have been affected by HPAI (H5N1) since the beginning of the epidemic in animals. Human cases of H5N1 have been confirmed in Europe, Asia, and Africa. As of February 2008, 366 human cases of H5N1 had been detected worldwide.

India is a vast country and has massive health and veterinary infrastructure. India having porous borders with many countries having outbreaks (Bangladesh, China, Pakistan etc.) is at a greater risk. It recently (Jan., 2008) declared 31 new poultry outbreaks in West Bengal.

Given the rapid spread of the H5N1 virus and the impact on the international community, the United States is actively engaged in efforts in India to contain and lessen the impact of the virus.

USAID and the U.S. Departments of State, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture, along with other national and international departments and agencies, federal government are coordinating international response measures. USAID/ India collaborates closely with the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for enhancing pandemic planning and preparedness on national and regional levels, strengthening outbreak surveillance, response, and containment, and encouraging transparency in reporting and investigating avian influenza occurrences.

  • Surveillance & response: Support for preparation of state level Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan (IPPP), conduct mock drills and simulation exercises, development of training manual for health care workers for response during pandemic influenza. Support for training at regional level for implementation of strategic action plan, conduct of mock drills & simulation exercises at regional level.
  • Hospital critical care: Case management guidelines for avian influenza, training in proper use of Personnel Protective Equipment for health care workers.
  • Conduct at least twice monthly monitoring activities of water bird diversity and abundance at two selected wetlands in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu during the migration and non-breeding period to understand seasonality of bird usage and timing of migration at these sites.
  • Study precise migration routes of water birds, habitat use and interaction with poultry through application of satellite transmitters to selected higher risk species
  • Document migratory movements of selected high-risk water bird species through ringing and color marking/flagging of three sites.
  • Supporting state governments of West Bengal and neighboring states to prepare communication material for AI.
  • Field assignment of the International Wild Life consultant (Veterinarian) to conduct training at selected sites in handling and marking of migratory birds



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