Los Alamos National Laboratory


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June 09 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine

Student programs abound at Lab

Students are key to the Laboratory’s future, and numerous programs exist to bring them into the Lab for internships that will help prepare them for careers in science, engineering, and other relevant fields. Programs are geared toward high school, undergraduate students, and graduate students, as well as postdocs, and each offers its own unique opportunities.

Examples of student programs include the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship in collaboration with the Department of Energy’s Office of Science and the Lab’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development program; the Service Academy Research Associates program in collaboration with the Department of Defense; and the Faculty and Student Teams (FaST) program in collaboration with the DOE Office of Science and New Mexico Consortium; and the Homeland Security summer internships.

Last year, LANL invested $65 million in various student and postdoc programs and events. The Lab funded 1,119 high school, undergraduate, and graduate student internships in 2008, at a total cost of $24 million. In addition, the Lab supported technician training programs conducted with regional colleges.

For more information on Laboratory educational programs, contact Scott Robbins at 667-3639 or srobbins@lanl.gov.

—Tatjana K. Rosev

The LANL Institutes: Partnering with higher education for the Lab’s future

In 2007, the Laboratory established the National SecurityEducation Center to build technical and educational collaborations with universities in technical areas key to the Lab. The center brought together five LANL Educational Institutes—the Engineering Institute, Materials Design Institute, Institute for Multiscale Materials Studies, Information Science and Technology Institute, and Institute for Advanced Studies—each with a partner university or consortia of universities, such as University of California, San Diego and University of California, Santa Barbara.

“LANL established the National Security Educational Center to increase partnerships with universities and to serve as a mechanism for student engagement in core mission areas for the Laboratory. Students are the foundation of our collaborative research programs, and ultimately many will come to the Laboratory as technical staff,” said Nancy Sauer, NSEC director.

For more information, go to the LANL Institutes Web site at http://institutes.lanl.gov/institutes/.

Summer lecture series under way

The history of actinides and other stories is the first of 18 lectures scheduled this summer at the Laboratory and cohosted by the LANL Institutes and the Materials Science and Technology and Materials Physics and Applications divisions. The lectures are designed for students but open to all Laboratory employees.

Lectures explore scientific topics ranging from separations technology for advanced nuclear fuel cycles, to nanotechnology to understanding HIV infections through evolutionary dynamics to climate modeling and climate change. See the LANL Institutes Web page at http://institutes.lanl.gov/ for the complete list of scheduled talks.

Three tours of Laboratory facilities—the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, and the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center—are planned. Contact Debbie Wilke at dwilke@lanl.gov to sign up for the tours.


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