
  Diffraction User Center
  Residual Stress User Center
  Thermophysical Properties User Center
  Diff. and Therm. Prop. Group
  High Temperature Materials Laboratory
  Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The Diffraction and Thermophysical Properties Group aims to be a national leader in materials characterization using diffraction and thermophysical property measurement methods. The diffraction portion of the Group utilizes laboratory x-ray, synchrotron x-ray, and neutron diffraction facilties to solve problems from phase stability to residual stress and texture. The thermography and thermophysical properties of the Group has exceptional capabilities to characterize thermal properties for numerous industrial and research needs. The thermophysical properties effort has developed several unique instruments for thermal transport determination and thermal imaging studies.

The Diffraction and Thermophysical Properties Group and guests
assembled for a rare photo during the HTML's 10th anniversary celebration.

The Diffraction and Thermophysical Properties Group operates three User Centers of the High Temperature Material Laboratory's User Program.

Programs | How to Work with Us | Visitor Info | Staff | Site Map

 User Facility Access and Proposal Form

Diffraction UC | Residual Stress UC | Thermophysical Properties UC
Diffraction & Thermophysical Prop. Group | High Temperature Materials Laboratory
Materials Science & Technology Division | Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Acknowledgments | Disclaimers