Professionals providing quality information for improved health. spacer


Resources for Health Consumers

"Quality information for improved health"

Health sciences librarians work in medical schools, hospitals, and other specialized health settings, and provide critical health information to doctors, nurses, and allied health personnel.

Many health sciences librarians and libraries also provide consumer health information to patients, their families, and the general public.

To top of page MLA Resources

  • MLA User's Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web
    MLA's consumer resource provides guidelines on finding the highest quality health information on the Web as well as examples of the best health Websites. Included in this guide are general starting points as well as specific sites for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

  • MLA's Top Ten Websites | "Los diez mejores, y más útiles, sitios en internet"
  • Deciphering Medspeak | Descifrando el Lenguaje Médico

    To help people understand "medspeak" terms—the specialized language of health care professionals—MLA created "Deciphering Medspeak." This Website and brochure for consumers offers relief from chronic misunderstandings and tips for evaluating health Websites.

    Para ayudar a gente entiende "medspeak" los términos—el idioma especializado de profesionales de cuidado de salud—MLA creó "Medspeak que Descifra." Este Website y el folleto para el alivio de ofertas de consumidores de equivocaciones y puntas crónicas para evaluar la salud Websites.

  • Medical Information on the Internet Tutorial
    Medical Information on the Internet: Guide for Health Reporters and Consumers is a Web-based tutorial designed by MLA members to lead health reporters and consumers to quality health care information on the Internet.

To top of page Find a Medical Library

  • Health Library Directory
    MedlinePlus is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicineand provides trusted health information to consumers. This searchable listing can help you find health information close to home.

To top of page Hospital Quality Resources

To top of page National Consumer Health Resources

  • Your Health Record
    Resources on how to access and understand your medical records, from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).
  • "Patient Care Partnership"
    Replacing the American Hospital Association's (AHA) Patients' Bill of Rights, this plain language brochure informs patients about what they should expect during their hospital stay with regard to their rights and responsibilities. Available in multiple languages.
  • National Library of Medicine's (NLM) MedlinePlus
    Extensive resources for consumer health, including health topics, medical encyclopedias, drug information, and more
  • NLM's Tutorial on Evaluating Internet Health Information
    A sixteen-minute tutorial (requires a Flash 6 browser plugin) on evaluating health Websites takes you step-by-step through a process to help you decide if health information on a Website is credible.
  • U.S. Surgeon General's Family History Initiative
    Tracing the illnesses suffered by your parents, grandparents, and other blood relatives can help your doctor predict the disorders to which you may be at risk and take action to keep you and your family healthy. Download the "My Family Health Portrait" software and create a family tree of health issues to discuss with your doctor.

To top of page Special Resources for Older Adults