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Broadband & Cable

Competition among entertainment programming services provides consumers with a wide range of choices, as well as better picture quality and other technological innovations. Most households now have access to video programming from traditional television broadcasts, as well as from cable, satellite, and in some places, digital broadcast spectrum and fiber. The emergence of new wireless technologies means that workers are no longer tethered to their desks or offices, that the bottleneck that limited competition for the “last mile” of a network connection to computer users may disappear, and that new possibilities and features will be opening up for home entertainment devices. The FTC works to promote competition in the distribution of broadband, cable, and wireless service and to provide policymakers with a sound basis for assessing the implications of proposed legislative or regulatory actions for competition and consumers. This page provides links to the FTC’s cases, workshops, reports, and speeches related to broadband, cable, and wireless issues.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 12:52 PM
