NOAA Coastal Services Center

Digital Coast


NOAA CSC High-Resolution Orthoimagery

Produced and distributed by the NOAA Coastal Services Center

The NOAA Coastal Services Center, in partnership with federal, state, and local governments, has acquired numerous high-resolution imagery data sets of coastal areas. The high-resolution data sets represent imagery collected from multiple aerial data sources, including digital and frame cameras. The images were originally acquired to support a number of projects, including mapping of upland and wetland habitats, mapping of benthic and submerged aquatic vegetation habitats, and as a pre-hurricane baseline data source.

Data Specifications
  • Area of Coverage: Coastal Connecticut, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Long Island, New York
  • Date(s) Available: 2002 to 2006, 2008 (vary by location)
  • Format: Most areas are available as a three-band, natural-color data set. Some geographic areas also have three-band color infrared images associated with the natural color images. Other geographic areas either have four-band imagery available or have a single-band, near-infrared image in addition to the natural color images. GeoTIFF is the most common native format. However, some of the images are available in the ERDAS .img format.
  • Resolution: Multiple resolutions that vary from 0.25 meters to 1.0 meter


One meter high-resolution image of Fulton, Texas. The Lyndon B. Johnson Causeway is visible in the center of the image.