Los Alamos National Laboratory


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January 09 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine


Recycling an important part of the solution

Recycling is one of the easiest ways you can help slow climate change and global warming. Recycling significantly helps lower carbon emissions associated with extracting virgin materials, manufacturing products, and waste disposal. For more information on recycling, go to http://www.nrc-recycle.org/fact-sheet.aspx.

Taking electronic equipment on foreign travel

Workers who take government-owned electronic equipment on foreign travel must submit the Travel-Computer User Form to the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Team on return to the Laboratory. To access the Travel-Computer User Form, go to http://int.lanl.gov/orgs/sg/sg_3/tscm/LoFT.pdf (internal only).

Study finds radioactivity around Los Alamos largely due to natural sources

A recent study that assessed levels of radioactivity near the Laboratory confirmed that nearly all measured radioactivity in the area is due to natural sources. To read a news release, go to http://www.lanl.gov/news/index.php/fuseaction/home.story/story_id/15300.

Report accidents involving government vehicles

The Laboratory's Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety Program (P101-7) requires that all accidents involving government vehicles be reported using General Services Administration Form SF-91. The form must be forwarded to the line manager for signature, and the line manager must forward the form to the Industrial Hygiene and Safety Division within two working days of the accident.

Changes to Education Assistance Program

The revised Education Assistance Program, formerly called the Tuition Assistance Program, reflects best business practices and aligns more closely with other Department of Energy facilities. Employees and managers familiar with the previous assistance process will want to review the changes to determine whether current education plans may need to be adjusted. For more information, go to http://www.lanl.gov/worklife/benefits/perks/tuition.shtml.

Snowing? Check UPDATE

In the event of inclement weather, Laboratory workers should call the Laboratory's UPDATE phone line at 667-6622 or toll free at 1-877-723-4101 for information about the Lab's operating status. The UPDATE phone line is the Lab's official, primary source for obtaining such information.

DOE extends deadline for draft GNEP PEIS comment period

The Department of Energy has extended by 90 days the comment period on the Draft Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

DOE decided to extend the comment period because of extensive interest expressed in the draft GNEP PEIS. Comments can be submitted through March 16, 2009. To read a release, go to http://www.energy.gov/news/6775.htm.

January service anniversaries

Find the January service anniversaries online at http://www.lanl.gov/news/currents/2009/jan/anniversaries.shtml.

In memoriam

  • Antonio "Tony Green" Roybal, 89, died November 13
  • Antonio "Tony" Roybal, 81, died November 13
  • Ernest Keith Hodson, died November 18
  • Jean A. Lindsey, 87, died November 20
  • Ray Davenport, 73, died November 25

Other Headlines



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