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April 09 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine

Piling on to tackle the nation’s energy needs

Laboratory researchers are finding exploitable weaknesses in plant fibers that could help turn biomass into biofuels. Image by Donald Montoya

Laboratory researchers are finding exploitable weaknesses in plant fibers that could help turn biomass into biofuels. Image by Donald Montoya

Laboratory researchers have collaborated in an effort to cost-effectively turn inedible biomass, such as switch grass or cornhusks, into alternative fuel in an energy efficient manner. The problem might seem simple enough on the surface, but it’s a lot tougher than it appears.

Plant cellulose—the fibrous material that makes plants woody—is created when plants synthesize glucose (sugar) molecules into long chains. These chains bind into sheets cemented by hydrogen bonds, an electrostatic attraction between positively charged portions of a molecule and negatively charged portions. The plant spins these sheets into tough fibers.

If cellulose could be broken down into sugars using cellulose-attacking enzymes, the sugars could be fermented into potential biofuels such as ethanol or butanol. Unfortunately, the fibers are tough to crack.

Researchers Tongye Shen and Gnana Gnanakaran of Theoretical Division and Paul Langan of Biosciences Division have noted a weakness in plant cells that could provide a mechanism to more easily convert plant matter into simple sugars.

Langan teamed up with colleagues from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the French Center for Vegetable Macromolecule Research to use neutrons to view the crystalline structure of cellulose. In separate research, Shen and Gnanakaran developed a lattice-based model to examine cellulose structure.

The research showed irregularities in the hydrogen bond structure of cellulose, and that the irregularities can be induced at varying temperatures.

“We have identified a chink in the armor of a very tough and worthy adversary—the cellulose fiber,” said Gnanakaran, who leads the theory part of a large multidisciplinary Laboratory Directed Research and Developmentfunded biofuels project. Langan, who directs this project, added that “these results are some of the first to come from this team and are a step toward making biofuels from cellulosic biomass economically effective.”

Shen and Gnanakaran’s work was published this month in Biophysical Journal, while the work of Langan and colleagues appeared in the September 2008 issue of Biomacromolecules. The complementary research provided a two-pronged attack on the problem.

--James E. Rickman

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