Patents > Search Collections > "Manual of Patent Examining Procedure" Edition 8 (E8), August 2001, Last Revision July 2008

Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)

Eighth Edition, August 2001

Latest Revision July 2008

Consolidated Laws - the latest published version of the patent laws (Appendix L of the MPEP or Consolidated Patent Laws, whichever is more current).September 2007

Consolidated Rules - the latest published version of the patent rules (Appendix R of the MPEP or Consolidated Patent Rules, whichever is more current).July 1, 2009

How to obtain a copy of the MPEP

MPEP Archives (1948 - 2007)

Current MPEP:

The “E8r7” columns below include the documents updated in Revision 7 of the Eighth Edition of the MPEP, dated July 2008. The documents updated in Revision 7 were the following: Blue Pages; Title Page; Chapters 600, 1400, 1800, 2200, 2500, and 2600; Appendices II, R, T, and AI; and the Index.

Zipped files are also provided to facilitate downloading of the entire MPEP in both PDF format and HTML format.

File E8r7 E8r7 Chapter, Appendix Title
Blue PDF html Blue Pages
Title PDF html Title Page
FWD PDF html Foreword
TOC PDF html Table of Contents
Intro PDF html Introduction
0100 PDF html 100 Secrecy, Access, National Security, and Foreign Filing
0200 PDF html 200 Types, Cross-Noting, and Status of Application
0300 PDF html 300 Ownership and Assignment
0400 PDF html 400 Representative of Inventor or Owner
0500 PDF html 500 Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers
0600 PDF html 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application
0700 PDF html 700 Examination of Applications
0800 PDF html 800 Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting
0900 PDF html 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search
1000 PDF html 1000 Matters Decided by Various U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Officials
1100 PDF html 1100 Statutory Invention Registration (SIR) and Pre-Grant Publication (PG Pub)
1200 PDF html 1200 Appeal
1300 PDF html 1300 Allowance and Issue
1400 PDF html 1400 Correction of Patents
1500 PDF html 1500 Design Patents
1600 PDF html 1600 Plant Patents
1700 PDF html 1700 Miscellaneous
1800 PDF html 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty
1900 PDF html 1900 Protest
2000 PDF html 2000 Duty of Disclosure
2100 PDF html 2100 Patentability
2200 PDF html 2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
2300 PDF html 2300 Interference Proceedings
2400 PDF html 2400 Biotechnology
2500 PDF html 2500 Maintenance Fees
2600 PDF html 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination
2700 PDF html 2700 Patent Terms and Extensions
Ap I PDF html Appendix I - Partial List of Trademarks
Ap II PDF html Appendix II - List of Decisions Cited
Ap L PDF html Appendix L - Patent Laws
Ap R PDF html Appendix R - Patent Rules
Ap T PDF html Appendix T - Patent Cooperation Treaty
Ap AI PDF html Appendix AI - Administrative Instructions Under The PCT
Ap P PDF html Appendix P - Paris Convention
Index PDF html Index - Subject Matter Index

Zipped version of the MPEP E8r7 in the PDF format:
E8r7_PDFChapters 100 - 1000 (9mb)Chapters 1100 - 2700 (14mb)Apps. and Remainder (7mb)PDF Index Files (12mb)
Zipped version of the MPEP E8r7 in the HTML format:
E8r7_HTMLChapters 100 - 1000 (8mb)Chapters 1100 - 2700 (13mb)Apps. and Remainder (2mb)

Availability of MPEP on Paper and in Other Formats


8th Edition Revision 6

Price and order form can found at:

Inquiries relating to purchasing the current
Manual on DVD-ROM should be directed to:
Office of Electronic Information Products
United States Patent and Trademark Office
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
Telephone: (571) 272-5600
E-Mail Address:

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office does not handle the sale of the paper Manual, distribution of notices and revisions, or changes of address of those on the subscription list. Correspondence relating to existing subscriptions should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents at the following address: 

Superintendent of Documents 
Mail List Section 
Washington, DC 20402 
Telephone: (202) 512 - 2267 

Inquiries relating to purchasing the Manual should be directed to: 
Superintendent of Documents 
United States Government Printing Office 
Washington, DC 20402 
Telephone: (202) 512 - 1800 

Previous Editions and Revisions

All previous editions and revisions of the Manual are available from the MPEP Archives

Orders for reproduced copies of individual replacement pages or chapters of the Manual
should be sent to the following address: 

Mail Stop Document Services
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
Telephone: (800) 972-6382 or (571) 272-3150

First Edition, November 1949 
Second Edition, November 1953 
Third Edition, November 1961 
Fourth Edition, June 1979 
Fifth Edition, August 1983 
Sixth Edition, January 1995 
Seventh Edition, July 1998 
Eighth Edition, August 2001
    Revision 1, February 2003
    Revision 2, May 2004
    Revision 3, August 2005
    Revision 4, October 2005
    Revision 5, August 2006
    Revision 6, September 2007
    Revision 7, July 2008


Web Page Revision History:
December 2008 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 7 HTML Files
August 2008 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 7 PDF Files
January 2008 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 6 HTML Files
October 2007 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 6 PDF Files
December 2006 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 5 HTML Files
September 2006 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 5 PDF Files
December 2005 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 4 PDF and HTML Files
October 2005 — Added MPEP E8 Rev. 3 PDF and HTML Files
June 2004 — Added MPEP E8R2 PDF Files
March 2003 — Added MPEP E8R1 PDF Files
September 2001 — Added MPEP E8 PDF Files
May 2000 — Added MPEP E7R1 PDF and ASCII Files

Some content linked to on this page may require a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Reader and ZIP files.

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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