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Human Dimensions

Human Dimensions Strategic Plan cover

NCCOS’s mission is to provide coastal managers and other decisionmakers with scientific information and tools needed to balance society’s environmental, social, and economic goals in mitigating and adapting to ecosystem stressors such as climate change, extreme natural events, pollution, invasive species, and resource use.

Humans are integral to ecosystems, and the human dimensions of ecosystems are an integral focus of the science needed to achieve this mission. Understanding the impact of humans on the ocean, the impact of the ocean on humans, and the human aspects of ocean governance provides the scientific basis for ensuring ocean health and quality of life for this and future generations (Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology, 2007).

Marine science and policy institutions in the United States and worldwide recognize that a deeper understanding of the human dimensions of ecosystems—human causes, consequences, and responses to ecosystem stress—is needed to foster improved support for coastal and ocean decisionmaking. Examples include statements by the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (2007), United States Commission on Ocean Policy (2004), Pew Oceans Commission (2003), International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, and NOAA’s External Ecosystem Task Team (2006) (see Appendix 1, Human Dimensions Research Drivers).

The NCCOS Human Dimensions Strategic Plan (FY 2009–FY 2014) establishes goals and objectives to foster improved support of coastal and ocean decisionmaking by expanding NCCOS’s science program to include an integral focus on human dimensions.

Guidance Documents

A selection of NCCOS publications that provides analytical guidance in integrating critical human dimensions research to inform significant coastal management issues. The Human Dimensions Strategic Plan will guide NCCOS’s science agenda, workforce, organization, partnerships, and other capabilities to complement existing programs by integrating mission critical human dimensions research.

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