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April 09 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine


Lab scientists selected American Physical Society Fellows

Five Los Alamos scientists are 2008 American Physical Society (APS) Fellows. The APS Fellows program recognizes members who have made advances in knowledge through original research and publication or who have made significant and innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. The title of Fellow is bestowed each year on no more than 0.5 percent of current Society members.

Robert C. Albers of Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems (T-4) is an internationally recognized expert on the role of electronic structure on the physical properties of complex materials. According to the APS, he was recognized “for his pioneering work on the theory of f-electron elements and materials, and its implementation into robust computational methods for use by experimentalists to interpret Extended x-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectra.”

Eli Ben-Naim, also of T-4, is an expert in nonequilibrium statistical physics and a leader in granular matter. He was recognized for his “broad contributions to granular physics, traffic flows, and nonequilibrium statistical physics.”

Christopher Fryer of Computational Physics and Methods is an authority on the study of core-collapse supernovae. He received the APS Fellowship “for his leadership in and contributions to theoretical and computational high-energy astrophysics through multidimensional simulations that demonstrated the importance of threedimensional convection and neutrino transport in core-collapse supernovae explosions.”

George Kyrala of Plasma Physics is an expert on ultrahigh speed diagnostics of lasers, x-rays, and the plasmas they generate. He was named an APS Fellow for his “outstanding experimental and theoretical contributions to understanding ionization and excitation processes in matter, and for pioneering efforts in developing and using x-rays produced by short-pulse laser matter interactions in ICF and high-energy density physics experiments.”

Sanjay Reddy of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology has significantly advanced our understanding of superfluid matter as measured in cold atom experiments and observed in astrophysical environments. He was cited for “fundamental contributions to our understanding of the roles of strangeness and superfluidity in dense matter, and their effects on neutrino transport in neutron stars and supernovae.”

Barnes named Physics deputy division leader

Cris Barnes is the new deputy division leader for Physics Division. Barnes earned his bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Chicago and his doctoral degree from Princeton in astrophysical sciences. He joined the Laboratory as a technical staff member in the former CTR Division in 1981 and was one of many who joined Physics Division when CTR was disbanded. He was the group leader for Plasma Physics, became program manager for C4 and C10, and spent a year on a change-of-station assignment with the Office of Defense Science at the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Graves wins Postdoctoral Distinguished Performance Award

Christopher Graves of Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics received the Postdoctoral Distinguished Performance Award. The award recognizes outstanding and unique contributions by Lab postdocs.

Graves, who holds a doctorate in chemistry from Northwestern University, is a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow and a Glenn T. Seaborg Postdoctoral Fellow. Graves was recognized for his outstanding work in elucidating the organometallic chemistry of pentavalent uranium. His work, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, stimulated worldwide interest. Graves was nominated for the award by his mentor, Jaqueline Kiplinger, and will receive a framed certificate and a monetary award.

Trujillo elected to chamber board

Vangie Trujillo of Community Programs Office (CPO) was elected to a three-year term as a board member to the Española Valley Chamber of Commerce. Trujillo, who currently works on economic development initiatives in CPO, also serves the Greater Española Valley Community Development Corporation, where she has been a member for two years. In addition, Trujillo served in the past as a board examiner for Quality New Mexico.

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