Dermabrasion information

From the beginning of time, people suffering from the disfigurement of facial scarring have searched for ways to improve these imperfections. Thanks to refinements of a number of dermatologic surgical techniques, there are several safe, effective procedures available today to improve facial scarring, including dermabrasion or scar abrasion.

While more than 100 years old, dermabrasion has enjoyed a resurgence of popularity since the 1960's. The resurfacing technique has been further perfected over the last few decades.

During dermabrasion, or surgical skin planning, the dermatologic surgeon freezes the patient's skin, scarred from acne, chicken pox or other causes. The doctor then mechanically removes or "sands" the skin to improve the contour and achieve a rejuvenated appearance as a new layer of remodeled skin replaces the damaged skin. The new skin generally has a smoother and refreshed appearance. Results are generally quite remarkable and long-lasting.

When dermabrasion was first developed, it was used predominantly to improve acne scars, chicken pox marks and scars resulting from accidents or disease. Today, it is also used to treat other skin conditions, such as pigmentation, wrinklessun damagetattoosage (liver) spots and certain types of skin lesions. The treatment may also be applied to select areas of deformed skin.

The conditions under which dermabrasion would not be effective include the presence of congenital skin defects, certain types of moles or pigmented birthmarks, and scars from burns.

Before surgery, a complete medical history is taken and a careful examination is conducted in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. During the consultation, the dermatologic surgeon describes the types of anesthesia that may be used, the procedure, and what results might realistically be expected. The doctor also explains the possible risks and complications that may occur. Photographs are taken before and after surgery to help evaluate the amount of improvement. Preoperative and postoperative instructions are given to the patient at this time.

Dermabrasion can be performed in the dermatologic surgeon's office or in an outpatient surgical facility. Medication to relax the patient may be given prior to surgery. The area is thoroughly cleansed with antiseptic cleansing agent. The area to be "sanded" is treated with a spray that freezes the skin. Sometimes local tumescent anesthesia can be used. A high-speed rotary instrument with an abrasive wheel or brush removes or abrades the upper layers of the skin and improves irregularities in the skin surface.

For a few days, the skin feels as though it has been severely "brush-burned." Medications may be prescribed to alleviate any discomfort the patient may have. Healing usually occurs within 7 to 10 days.

The newly formed skin, which is pink at first, gradually develops a normal appearance. In most cases, the pinkness has largely faded by eight to 12 weeks. Make-up can be used as a cover-up as soon as the crust is off. Generally, most people can resume their normal occupation in seven to 10 days after dermabrasion. Patients are instructed to avoid unnecessary direct and indirect sunlight for three to six months after the procedure and to use a sunscreen on a regular basis when outdoors.

For more information on skin conditions and treatments, along with a list of ASDS members in your state, please visit the Find a Dermatologic Surgeon section of our Web site. 

Before and after photos: Dermabrasion treatment of acne scars 


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