Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology

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  1. Projects

    Below are the abstracts of proposals selected for funding for the Astrobiology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology program from the ROSES 07 call for proposals (awarded 2008). Principal Investigator (PI) name, institution, and proposal title are also included. 114 proposals were received in response to this opportunity, and 33 were selected for funding.
    Dale Andersen
    Steven Benner
    Jennifer Blank
    Robert Blankenship
    Roger Buick
    Nathalie Cabrol
    Zoe Cardon
    Jennifer Eigenbrode
    Eric Gaucher
    M. Reza Ghadiri
    Everett Gibson
    Nancy Hinman
    Tori Hoehler
    Nicholas Hud
    Brian Hynek
    Linda Jahnke
    Paul Johnson
    Isik Kanik
    Paul Johnson
    Isik Kanik
    James Kasting
    Rob Knight
    Pierre-Alain Monnard
    Marla Moore
    Wayne Nicholson
    Kenneth Noll
    Dominic Papineau
    Radu Popa
    Louise Prockter
    Jason Raymond
    Janet Siefert
    Jonathan Silberg
    Mark Smith
    Henry Sun
    Stephen Wood
    Current and Past Projects
    Ahrens, Tom
    Sub-award from: Do Bugs Survive When Worlds Collide (C. Blank)
    Anbar, Ariel David
    Mechanisms of Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation: Assessing a New Tool for the Study of Ancient Ocean Redox
    Anbar, Ariel D.
    Arrhenius, Gustaf
    Bakes, Emma
    A Prebiotic Photochemical Study of Early Earth
    Bebout, Brad
    Becker, Luann
    Traces of Catastrophe at the End Permian
    Benner, Steven
    Exploring Plausibly Prebiotic Routes to Ribonucleosides. Borate minerals, water-poor environments, and organic chemistry that connect the interstellar medium to the RNA world.
    Benner, Steven
    Resurrecting Src Homology 2 Domains Near the Origin of Multicellularity. Resurrecting Phosphotyrosine-Binding Proteins and Their Binding Phosphorylated Partners. Co-Evolution of Signal Transduction Paths Involved in Metazoan Multicellularity
    Benner, Steven
    Reconstructing Ancient Life
    Bernstein, Max Paul
    Bernstein, Max Paul
    Laboratory Studies of Interstellar and Solar System Radiation Processing as a Source of Organic Molecules
    Bhattacharya, Debashish
    Endosymbiotic Gene Transfer and the Evolution of the First Photosynthetic Eukaryotes
    Blankenship, Robert
    The evolution of photosynthesis and the transition from an anaerobic to an aerobic world (2)
    Boering, Kristie
    NESSF (Chu): Experimental investigations of photochemically-generated organic aerosols and implications for climate, habitability, and the search for life on early Mars and early Earth
    Bralower, Timothy
    Brearley, Adrian John
    Distribution, origins and parent body processing of carbonaceous material in chondritic meteorites: Insights from in situ characterization using energy filtered transmission electron microscopy
    Brinckerhoff, William B.
    Organic Synthesis in Hypervelocity Impacts
    Buick, Roger
    Metamorphism of Archean biosignatures: constraining the appearance of life on Earth and the search for fossils on Mars
    Burke, Donald
    DESCOPE: Metabolic Kinase Ribozymes to Model RNA World Enzymology and Evolution (Aims 2 & 3 only)
    Cady, Sherry
    Recognizing the Signatures of Thermophilic Biofilms: Cellularly Preserved Microfossils and Cellular Remnants
    Casey, Bill
    Catling, David
    Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles and the Earth's Early Atmosphere
    Chapman, Mary
    Charnley, Steven
    Cooper, George
    De Witt, H. Langley
    GSRP: Hydrogen's role in the production of organic hazes on early Earth and the outer planets; The effect of increased hydrogen mixing ratio on organic haze production on the early Earth
    De Gregorio, Bradley
    GSRP: Resolving the biogenicity of Earth's oldest microfossils using electron energy-loss and X-ray absorption spectroscopies.
    Deamer, David
    Origin and function of membranes in primitive cellular life.
    Des Marais, David J.
    Light Element Biogeochemistry of Microbial Communities in Evaporites
    Desilvestre, Ingrid
    ASASO Close-Out
    DiRuggiero, Jocelyne
    Molecular Basis for Adaptation to Extreme Environmental Conditions of Halophilic Microorganisms
    DiRuggiero, Jocelyne
    Engineering Technologies for Extremophiles
    Dorit, Robert
    El-Shall, Samy
    Falkowski, Paul
    Farmer, Jack
    Geomicrobiology and Fossil Biosignatures of Cold-Spring Carbonates (Tufas), Mono Lake (CA) and the Pleistocene Lahonton Basin
    Farquhar, James
    Ferris, James
    Studies of Photochemical Processes on Titan
    Ferris, James
    [NSCORT] Origins of Life: From Interstellar Molecules to Introns
    Fields, Brian
    Supernova Remnant--Heliosphere Collisions and Transport of Live Radioisotopes: Three Dimensional Simulations
    Flynn, George
    Fox, George E.
    DESCOPE: The Origins of Translation and Early Evolution of Life (Riboswitch module only)
    Freeland, Stephen
    Bioinformatic Analysis of Genetic Coding
    Freund, Friedemann
    Gaucher, Eric
    Inferring Ancient Local Environments Based on Resurrected Elongation Factor Proteins: From the Origins of Modern Bacteria to Eukaryotic Endosymbioses: Paleo-Evolutionary Genomics
    Ghadiri, Reza
    NESSF (Beierle): Potentially Prebiotic Peptide Based Oligomers for Dynamic Recognition of DNA and RNA
    Gibson, Everett, Jr.
    DESCOPE: Carbon Chemistry of Martian Materials and Analogs (Task 2 only)
    Glavin, Daniel
    Gogarten, Peter
    Goodman, Jason
    Dynamics of Hydrothermal Plumes on Europa: Implications for Surface Geology and Potential Bioenergetics
    Grimm, Robert
    Nuclear-Magnetic Resonance and Electrical Measurements of Unfrozen Water in Mars-Analog Materials: Implications for Habitability at Subfreezing Temperatures on Mars
    Grinspoon, David
    The Longevity of Oceans on Terrestrial Planets
    Hamilton, Douglas
    Dust as a Vehicle for the Transfer of Organics Between Worlds
    Hartman, Joe
    Support for Exo/Evo users of Ames Vertical Gun Range
    Herzfeld, Judith
    Hoehler, Tori
    Program Support: California Academy of Sciences Advisor
    House, Christopher
    Mediation of Early Microbial Evolution and Ecology by Cyanide Inhibition?
    Huang, Faqing
    Huang, Yongsong
    Compound-specific isotopic study of carbonaceous chondrites: implications for the origin of meteoritic organic compounds
    Hud, Nicholas
    Intercalation and Reversible Backbone Linkages: A New Approach to the Origin and Replication of Life's First Informational Polymers
    Iwata-Reuyl, Dirk
    Jablonski, David
    Evolutionary Dynamics of Planetary Biodiversity Gradients: Origin, Maintenance and Future of Latitudinal Trends
    Jaffe, Richard
    Joyce, Gerald
    Kasting, James F.
    Climate and Life on Early Earth and Mars
    Kaufman, Alan
    A Stratigraphic Study of pCO2 Variations across Neoproterozoic Glacial Cycles through Ion Microprobe Carbon Isotope Analysis of Organic-Walled Microfossils
    Kaufman, Alan
    Empirical Estimates of Proterozoic CO2 Levels by In-Situ Ion Microprobe Carbon Isotope Analysis of Organic-Walled Microfossils
    Kavner, Abby
    Geochemical Signatures of Biological Charge Transfer Processes
    Kenig, Fabien
    Kennedy, Martin
    Secular rise of clay minerals as a control on the rise off oxygen and advent of multicellular life
    Kirschvink, Joseph
    Knauth, Paul
    Isotopic Paleotemperatures at Key Times in the Early History of Life
    Knoll, Andrew
    Krishnamurthy, Ramanarayanan
    Lehman, Niles
    Development of generalized RNA recombinase ribozymes
    Lehman, Niles
    Lehman, Niles
    NESSF (Burton): Selection in Vitro of a Ribonucleotide Reductase Ribozyme
    Levison, Harold
    The Coupling of Outer Solar System Architectures to the Habitability, Hazards and Environment on Planets Near the Sun and Other Stars
    LiCata, Vince
    Molecular Mechanisms for the Persistence, Protection, and Repair of DNA and Proteins under Extreme Radiation, UV Light, and Dessicating Conditions
    Lowe, Donald
    Origin and implications of early Archean barite and associated sedimentary deposits in the 3.3-3.2 Ga Fig Tree Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, and their relationship to major tectonic, impact, and environmental events
    Lyons, James
    Lyons, Timothy
    Oxygen Isotope Composition of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate
    Magnani, Loris
    A Galactic Formaldehyde Survey to Identify the Galaxy's Habitable Zone
    Margulis, Lynn
    Martin, Scot
    Martindale, Mark
    The Evolution of the Regulation of Cell-Cell Adhesion in a Basal Metazoan
    McCollom, Thomas
    McKay, David
    Presumptive Mineral and Morphological Biosignatures in Terrestrial Samples and Martian Meteorites
    McKay, David
    Mars Sample Return Study
    Melott, Adrian
    Do Gamma Ray Bursts Damage Planetary Biospheres?
    Mojzsis, Stephen
    Monaco, Lisa
    Monitoring of environmental contamination
    Mukhopadhyay, Biswarup
    A Novel Coenzyme F420-Dependent Sulfite Reductase from Methanocaldococcus Jannaschii: A Component of a Primitive Cell Biosynthesis and Detoxification System
    Newman, Dianne
    Noffke, Nora
    Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures of Mesoarchean Ages - New Biosignatures for the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life [share w/ MFRP]
    Noll, Kenneth
    Horizontal Gene Transfer Into and Among the Thermotogales: Occurrence and Functional Implications
    Nuth, Joseph A.
    Natural, Iron-Silicate-Grain Catalyzed, Simultaneous, Fischer-Tropsch and Haber-Bosch Synthesis of Nitrogen-Bearing prebiotic Molecules in Protostellar Nebulae
    Ono, Shuhei
    Oremland, Ronald S.
    DESCOPE: Continued Investigations of
    Oremland, Ronald
    Orlando, Thomas
    Non-Thermal Generation of Prebiotic and Complex Organic Molecules within Interstellar and Planetary Ices
    Pasek, Matthew
    Patzkowsky, Mark
    Pavlov, Alexander
    Methane and sulfur in the Archean atmosphere. Organic and sulfur aerosols as UV-shields, "food" and climate drivers in the Archean environment.
    Pendleton, Yvonne J.
    DESCOPE: The Origin and Evolution of Organic Material in the Interstellar Medium: From Stardust to Planetesimals (observations only)
    Petaev, Michail
    Search for Impact-Related Materials at the P-T Boundary
    Pizzarello, Sandra
    Pohorille, Andrew
    Computer Modeling of Protein-mediated Protocellular Functions
    Pohorille, Andrew
    Porter, Susannah
    Using Skeletal Microstructure to Understand Early Animal Biomineralization and Phylogenetic Relationships of Early Animals
    Reysenbach, Anna-Louise
    Metabolic Plasticity in Chemolithoautotrophic Thermophilic Acquificales: Models for the Evolution of Early Metabolisms on Earth?
    Rosenzweig, Raphael
    Rye, Rob
    Developing Model-Based Temperature Constraints for the Archean
    Santos, Orlando
    Innovative Concepts in Exobiology
    Scalo, John
    Biological Implications of Variations in the Cosmic Ray Flux at Planetary Surfaces
    Scharf, Caleb
    The Formation and Evolution of Tidally Heated Habitable Zones
    Schieber, Juergen
    Investigating Morphological and Isotopic Biosignatures of Terrestrial Iron Bacteria -A Potential Mars Analog
    Schmidt, Francis
    Schoonen, Martin
    Schulte, Mitchell
    Sessions, Alexander
    Investigating the Localization, Regulation and Biosynthesis of 2-Methylhopanoids (Inst. Xfer) (2)
    Shain, Daniel
    Energetic Requirements of Cold Temperature Adaptation
    Shock, Everett
    Hydrothermal Ecosystems in a Solar System Context
    Siefert, Janet
    Gordon Conference on the Origin of Life
    Siefert, Janet
    The Genotype and Phenotype of Last Common Ancestors and the Evolution of Molecular Innovation (1)
    Smith, Mark
    Titan Tholins: Origins and Definitive Functional Potential for Prebiological Chemistries
    Stark, Glenn
    Stoltz, John
    [Sub-award from Oremland] DESCOPE: Continued Investigations of
    Stoner, Daphne
    The Search for Life on Worlds Around Other Stars: A Spectroscopic Analysis of Volatile Biogenic Signatures Emanating from Geothermal Environments
    Stoner, Daphne
    A Strategy for Identifying Microbial Signatures in Heterogeneous Iron-Bearing Minerals: Spatially-Correlated Optical and Chemical Imaging of Microbial-Mineral Interactions
    Strother, Paul
    Summers, David Patrick
    Energy Transduction Inside Vesicles by the Photochemical Formation of NADH and Amino Acids with Colloidal TiO2 Particles
    Summons, Roger
    Global Biogeochemical Transitions: Molecular and Isotopic Markers for Biogeochemical Processes During Major Redox Shifts in the Ocean-Atmosphere System
    Sumner, Dawn
    Depth Gradients in Neoarchean Ocean Chemistry and Microbialite Morphology
    Switzer, Christopher
    DESCOPE: Search for a Prebiotic Replicator (alternative backbone only)
    Szostak, Jack
    Throop, Henry
    Photo-evaporation and the Stability and Evolution of Volatiles in Pre-planetary Disks
    Tolbert, Margaret
    Laboratory Studies of Early Earth Hazes: Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and Optical Measurements
    Tolbert, Margaret
    Voorhees, Larry
    NASA Postdoctoral Program
    Ward, David M.
    Molecular and geochemical analysis of hot spring cyanobacterial and Chloroflexus mats as stromatolite analogs
    Weber, Arthur
    Prebiotic Synthesis of Autocatalytic Products from Formaldehyde-Derived Sugars as the Carbon and Energy Source
    Weber, Arthur
    Whittet, Douglas
    Winfree, Erik
    Enzyme-Free In-Vitro Evolution of DNA Tile Crystals as Model Primitive Organisms
    Woon, David
    Xiao, Shuhai
    Probable Eukaryote Fossils Preserved in Archean
    Zahnle, Kevin
    Sub-award from: Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles and the Earth's Early Atmosphere (Catling)
    Zahnle, Kevin
    Zent, Aaron
    The Role of Oxidants in the Martian Regolith
    Zerkle, Aubrey
    Andersen, Dale
    Deep-water microbialites in a perennially ice-covered lake: A key to interpreting ancient microbialite morphology (1)
    Benner, Steven
    Prebiotic Routes to Carbohydrates Involving Borate Minerals (1)
    Blank, Jennifer
    An experimental study of the generation and enantiomeric enrichment of sugars and amino acids in cometary impacts (1)
    Blankenship, Robert
    The Evolution of Photosynthesis and the Transition from an Anaerobic to an Aerobic World (ROSES 2007)
    Buick, Roger
    Archean paleobarometry (1)
    Cabrol, Nathalie
    Thermal Behavior and Detection of Caves on Earth and Mars (1)
    Cardon, Zoe
    Leaping to land -- physiology and phylogenetics of microscopic desert green algae (1)
    Eigenbrode, Jennifer
    Signatures of Life in Ice (SLIce): A multidisciplinary investigation of organic signatures and habitat of life in surface glacial ice (1)
    Gaucher, Eric
    Exploiting paleogenetics and experimental-evolution to reconstruct and recapitulate adaptive evolution (1)
    Ghadiri, M. Reza
    Dynamic Covalent Assembly and Selection of Prebiotically Plausible Informational Oligomers (1)
    Gibson, Everett
    Elemental, Isotopic, and Structural Characteristics of Earth's Earliest Life: Implications for Recognizing Remnants of Early Microbial Life on Earth and Elsewhere (1)
    Hinman, Nancy
    Exploration of Mineral Associated Bio/organic Signatures: Meeting the Challenge in the Search for Signs of Life (1)
    Hoehler, Tori
    Quantifying the Habitability of Low-Temperature Serpentinizing Systems (1)
    Hud, Nicholas
    Intercalation Mediated Assembly and the First Informational Polymers of Life (1)
    Hynek, Brian
    Cerro Negro, Nicaragua: An analog for assessing the potential for life on early Mars (1)
    Jahnke, Linda
    Organic Biomarkers: Community Diversity and Preservation in Silica-Rich Hydrothermal Systems with Implications to Mars (1)
    Johnson, Paul
    Chemistry of Biomarkers in Planetary Ices: A Laboratory Investigation (1)
    Kanik, Isik
    A Laboratory Investigation on the Origin and Evolution of Life (1)
    Kasting, James
    Habitable Planets: Oxygen and Climate (1)
    Knight, Rob
    Measuring the abundance of the simplest functional RNAs (1)
    Monnard, Pierre-Alain
    Prebiotic formation of membranes and the role of membranes in energy uptake: An essential step in the origin of protocellular life (1)
    Moore, Marla
    Investigating the Formation, Stability and Enantiomeric Ratios of Non-Protein Amino Acids in Low-Temperature Condensed-Phase Reactions (1)
    Nicholson, Wayne
    Noll, Kenneth
    Genome-based Investigations into the Nature of the Common Ancestor of the Thermotogales (1)
    Orphan, Victoria
    Micron-scale microbiological and microgeochemical characterization of sulfur cycling in microbial mats: a paired nanoSIMS sulfur isotope and CARD-FISH approach
    Papineau, Dominic
    Carbonaceous associations with apatite in Precambrian banded iron formations (1)
    Popa, Radu
    Biosignatures in Volcanic Rocks - Microweathering of Olivine on Earth and Mars (1)
    Prockter, Louise
    Effects of radiation damage on the geology of Europa and Ganymede (1)
    Raymond, Jason
    The Molecular Basis of Complexity: Using Network Analysis to Understand Evolution (1)
    Siefert, Janet
    Borrowing Biological Innovation: HGT in an Ancient Mariene Heterotroph (1)
    Silberg, Jonathan
    Temperature effects on protein evolution (1)
    Smith, Mark
    Origins and Functional Potential in Complex Prebiological Molecules: Titan Tholins and related Organics (1)
    Sun, Henry
    Biological Accumulation of D-amino acids in Endolithic Microbial Communities (1)
    Wood, Stephen
    Mars Subsurface Warming at Low Obliquity: Effects on the State and Distribution of Water (1)