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Archive for April, 2009

NN/LM SCR Express Outreach Award Recipients

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

The NN/LM SCR is pleased to announce the recipients of the Year 03 Express Outreach Award.  This award is designed to fund outreach projects aimed at improving access to and use of National Library of Medicine databases.

Institution: St. Edward Mercy Medical Center, Fort Smith AR
Project Title: The Good Samaritan Clinic: Patient Centered Medical Home for the Uninsured
Principal Investigator: Pat Morris

Institution: Bunkie General Hospital, Bunkie LA
Project Title: Reaching Out to Bunkie General Hospital Using Information from National Library of Medicine Electronic Health Resources
Project Submitted by: Dennis Pernotto, LSUHSC Shreveport Library

Institution: Homer Memorial Hospital, Homer LA
Project Title: Reaching Out to Homer Memorial Hospital Using Information from National Library of Medicine Electronic Health Resources
Project Submitted by: Dennis Pernotto, LSUHSC Shreveport Library

Institution: North Caddo Medical Center, Vivian LA
Project Title: Reaching Out to North Caddo Medical Center Using Information from National Library of Medicine Electronic Health Resources
Project Submitted by: Dennis Pernotto, LSUHSC Shreveport Library

Institution: Southeastern Louisiana Area Health Education Center (SEL-AHEC), Slidell LA
Project Title: SEL-AHEC 2009 - 10 Outreach
Principal Investigator: Helen Caruso

Institution: University of Oklahoma - Tulsa Library, Tulsa OK
Project Title: OU-Tulsa Health Information Kiosk
Principal Investigator: Lynn Yeager

Institution: Forest Lawn Missionary Baptist Church, Houston TX
Project Title: HEALTHWATCH: Medical Educational Databases for Informed Choices
Principal Investigator: Gloria Dennis

Institution: Houston Academy of Medicine - Texas Medical Center Library, Houston TX
Project Title: The Chinese Community Center - Consumer Health Collaborative
Principal Investigator: Adela Justice

Institution: University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Regional Academic Health Center Library, Harlingen TX
Project Title: 2009 4th Conference for Promotores de Salud Bi-national Health Week
Principal Investigator: Greysi Reyna

Congratulations to the Awardees!

Images from the History of Medicine Updates

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine’s History of Medicine Division (HMD) updated its Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) database of almost 70,000 images. Patrons can view search results in a multi-image display, download high resolution copies of their favorite images, zoom in on image details, move images into a patron-defined workspace for further manipulation, and create media groups for presenting images and sharing them via e-mail or posting on blogs.

For more information, see the announcement at:

MedlinePlus adds Search Clouds!

Friday, April 24th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine launched a new feature on MedlinePlus today. On both MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en español, search clouds will be displayed that show the most frequently searched terms for both sites:

MedlinePlus Search Cloud:
MedlinePlus en español Search Cloud:

The MedlinePlus search cloud displays the top 100 English searches, and the MedlinePlus en español search cloud displays the top 100 Spanish searches. The search clouds are linked from the MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en español homepages.

The search clouds are usually updated every week day. The search terms appear in alphabetical order, and their size represents their relative frequency. The bigger the term, the more often it is searched by people who visit MedlinePlus. A term’s exact ranking is found by placing your cursor over the term, and you can click on any term in the search cloud to conduct a search for that term in MedlinePlus.

As the most popular searches change over time and with the seasons, visitors can see the dynamic and diverse interests of MedlinePlus users. For instance, the term “tick bites” might appear in the cloud during the summer, and the term “frostbite” might appear in the winter.

April NIH News in Health Now Online

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Check out the April issue of NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research. And consider joining us on Facebook, where you can write on our wall to suggest topics you’d like us to cover, or start a discussion about how you use the newsletter.  Go to and become a fan. In this edition:

Get Moving and Stay Healthy: Make Physical Activity Part of Your Life
People from all walks of life find it difficult to get enough exercise. But research shows that all Americans need physical activity for good health. New government guidelines can help you get started and stay active.

Remember To Take Your Pills? Jog Your Memory of What To Take and When
We forget things every day—people’s names, our keys or whether we locked the front door. But when it comes to taking your medicines, don’t let your memory fail you.  

Health Capsules:
•    Study Questions Prostate Cancer Test
•    Vitamin C May Ward Off Gout
•    Featured Web Site: Rethinking Drinking

Click here to download a PDF version for printing.

Please pass the word on to your colleagues about NIH News in Health.  We are happy to send a limited number of print copies free of charge for display in offices, libraries or clinics.  For more information, contact:
Harrison Wein, Ph.D., Writer/Editor
National Institutes of Health
Office of the Director, Office of Communications and Public Liaison
Phone:  301-435-7489

April 15 SCR CONNECTions Webinar Recording Available

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

The April 15 SCR CONNECTions webinar recording of “Hey Look At Us Now! What’s New in NLM’s Consumer Health Resources” is now available at

On June 17, SCR CONNECtions will present Jean Shipman, Director of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library and MidContinental Region, NN/LM, and Lenora Kinzie, Director of the Stormont-Vail Healthcare Stauffer Health Sciences Library in Topeka, KS, to review the results of the Medical Library Association/NLM Health Information Literacy Research Project. They will share how this project has helped to educate health care providers about the key role medical librarians can play with improving their institution’s health literacy efforts.

What: MLA/NLM Health Information Literacy Research Project Update
Time: June 17, 2009, 10:30-11:30 AM Central Time (May webinar has been canceled)

Greysi Reyna Receives 2009 DeBakey Library Services Award

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Congratulations to Greysi Reyna, Assistant Director of the Ramirez Library at the Regional Academic Health Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, the recipient of the 2009 Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award! (more…)

UTHSCSA Receives “Project of the Year” Award

Monday, April 20th, 2009

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Library has been awarded the Bexar Library Association’s Project of the Year for their NN/LM SCR funded Get HIP: Informing the Health and Future of K-12 Students symposium.  This symposium provided an opportunity for school librarians, school nurses and others to raise their awareness of information resources available from the National Library of Medicine and other organizations. Participants were able to work together in small groups to generate ideas for promoting access to health information for students, their families and the broader community.

Congratulations to Keith Cogdill, Julie Gaines and the other project participants for their hard work.

To read more about the Get HIP symposium:

“Harry Potter’s World” Now Online

Friday, April 10th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine’s exhibition “Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine” is now available online! View “Harry Potter’s World” at The banner show, which will travel to libraries around the country through the American Library Association starting in fall 2009, explores the plants, animals, and magic featured in the Harry Potter book series and their roots in Renaissance traditions that played an important role in the development of Western science.  It incorporates the works of several fifteenth- and sixteenth-century thinkers mentioned in the Harry Potter book series and looks at topics such as alchemy, astrology, and natural philosophy, as well as the ethical issues faced by both the fictitious characters from the novels and the historical figures who influenced them. The website for “Harry Potter’s World” includes the full exhibition text, middle/high school lesson plans, and a higher education module for professors and students.
Visit the American Library Association’s request for proposals for libraries interested in hosting the traveling banner exhibition at

Please refer any questions about “Harry Potter’s World” to

Announcement HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects 2009

Friday, April 10th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the solicitation of quotations from organizations and libraries to design and conduct projects that will improve access to HIV/AIDS related health information for patients, the affected community, and their caregivers. (more…)

SCR CONNECTions: NLM’s Consumer Health Databases

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Do you know about *all* of the National Library of Medicine’s Consumer Health Resources?  In NN/LM SCR’s monthly webinar SCR CONNECTions, Karen Vargas will present an introduction to the many consumer health resources from the National Library of Medicine, including the lesser known gems such as the Dietary Supplements Labels Database and K-12 curriculum and resources in the Online Exhibitions.

When: April 15, 2009, 10:30 - 11:30 AM Central Time
What: Hey Look At Us Now! What’s New in NLM’s Consumer Health Resources

This webinar is being offered as part of the NN/LM SCR’s monthly series of web conferences, SCR CONNECTions.  The web conferences are conducted via the Adobe Connect web meeting system. You do not need to install any software to join the conference, simply click on the URL:  On the log in screen, choose “Enter as a Guest” and type in your name.  Once you enter the online meeting room, follow the instructions on the screen to have the system call you on your telephone.  For more information, go to