Outside Resources

Useful Supplemental Texts

Web Resources
In order to assist you in gaining a better understanding of the course material, we have compiled a list of web-based resources that will help give background to the topics discussed in lecture.
 History of X-ray Astronomy (Harvard University)
 Astronomiae Historia/History of Astronomy
 A Brief History of High-Energy Astrophysics (NASA/GSFC)
Instrumentation 1&2
 High-Energy and Low-Energy Proportional Counters (Harvard University)
 Introduction to Scientific Imaging CCDs (Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc.)
 Microchannel Plate Principles of Operation (Harvard University)
 Proportional Counters (NASA/GSFC)
 Microchannel Plates (NASA/GSFC)
Data Analysis
 Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics: Statistics (Harvard University)
Stars 1&2
 X-ray Sources: Normal Stars (Harvard University)
Stars 3: Stellar Evolution
 X-ray Sources: Stellar Evolution (Harvard University)
 Stellar Evolution and Death (NASA)
Compact Objects
 X-ray Sources: White Dwarfs (Harvard University)
 X-ray Sources: Neutron Stars (Harvard University)
Black Holes
 X-ray Sources: Black Holes (Harvard University)
 Cambridge Relativity: Black Holes (Cambridge University)
Accretion Processes
 Example of a Roche Lobe
 Towards Understanding AGN: Accretion Disk Model (CalTech)
Accreting Binaries
 X-ray Binaries (NASA/GSFC)


 X-ray Sources: Supernovae and Supernovae Remnants  (Harvard University)
Supernova Remnants
 X-ray Sources: Supernovae and Supernova Remnants (Harvard University)
Cosmic Rays
 Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics: Cosmic Rays (Harvard University)
Gamma-Ray Bursts
 X-ray Sources: Gamma-ray Bursts (Harvard University)
Normal & Starburst Galaxies
 X-ray Sources: Normal & Starburst Galaxies (Harvard University)
Active Galactic Nuclei 1,2, &3
 An Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei (CalTech)
 X-ray Sources: Quasars and AGN (Harvard University)
 Active Galactic Nuclei (Cambridge University)
 Towards Understanding AGN (CalTech)
Galaxy Clusters and X-ray Background
 X-ray Sources: Galaxy Clusters (Harvard University)
 X-ray Sources: X-ray Background/Deep Fields (Harvard University)
 Galaxy Clusters and Large-Scale Structures (Cambridge University)
 Clusters of Galaxies (Cambridge University)
 Soft X-ray Diffuse Background (NASA/GSFC)
 Cambridge Cosmology (Cambridge University)
 Cosmology Models
 Structure and Evolution of the Universe (NASA/GSFC)

Other Pages of Interest

If you'd like to read more about information on current and past missions in high-energy astrophysics, as well as current events and research in astronomy and physics, you might be interested in the following:

Questions? Email the professors at gwu_usra@olegacy.gsfc.nasa.gov
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