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Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR)
2008 ICE Annual Report Cover

Office of Investigations

Financial Community

Cornerstone is ICE’s initiative to detect and close down weaknesses within U.S. financial, trade and transportation sectors that can be exploited by criminal networks. Active partnership between law enforcement and the private sector is a key component of Cornerstone. We build partnerships by sharing law enforcement typologies and methods with businesses and industries that manage the very systems that terrorists and criminal organizations seek to exploit. This sharing of information allows the financial and trade community to take precautions in order to protect themselves from exploitation. In return, ICE receives information, "red flags", tips, and insight from these industries to more effectively investigate these complex and sophisticated criminal schemes.

Financial Investigations Topics of Interest

Financial investigations are essential if we are to beat the criminals at their trade. Although they are often long and complex investigations, following the money trail allows law enforcement to identify and dismantle international criminal networks, and to seize their proceeds and related assets. ICE, along with its sister agencies under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is charged with protecting the nation’s borders, which includes investigating the illicit flow of money in and out of the United States. Read More

How You Can Help:

Protecting America is more than just a responsibility for government agencies; it’s a shared mission for all Americans. The importance of private sector partnership in this shared mission cannot be overstated. There are several ways individuals and businesses can help:

  • Become a private sector partner with ICE by contacting your local ICE Office of Investigations and arranging a Cornerstone presentation for your business or organization.
  • Report suspicious financial, commercial, or trade activity by contacting your local ICE Office of Investigations, or by calling 1-866-DHS-2-ICE.
  • Cornerstone Report - Read ICE’s quarterly newsletter, devoted to the financial and trade sectors.

Red Flag Indicators

Certain types of financial transactions serve as indicators, or “red flags” that call for further scrutiny by the financial, commercial, trade and transportation sectors. Read More

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