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Secure Communities

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News From Secure Communities

View Secure Communities news releases published through www.ice.gov.

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3/9/2009 | New ICE program enhances identifying and removing criminal aliens in Fairfax county
FAIRFAX, Va. - Fairfax County Sheriff's Office and other law enforcement agencies have been added to a growing list of jurisdictions throughout the country that are receiving access to a program called Secure Communities, administered by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Fairfax County is the first location in the Washington Metropolitan Area and the first in Virginia to participate. Secure Communities will streamline the process for ICE to determine if an individual in local custody is a potentially removable criminal alien.

2/25/2009 | New program enhances identifying and deporting criminal aliens in more north Texas law enforcement agencies
DALLAS - More agencies are being added to a growing list of law enforcement agencies throughout the state and north Texas that are receiving access to a program developed by the Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS); this program is expected to bolster local efforts to identify dangerous deportable criminal aliens.

2/2/2009 | New program enhances identifying and deporting criminal aliens in 6 southwest Texas counties
SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Six southwest Texas counties have been added to a growing list of law enforcement agencies throughout the state that are receiving access to a program developed by DOJ and DHS; this program is expected to bolster local efforts to identify dangerous deportable criminal aliens.

01/30/2009 | New ICE program sparks arrest, prosecution of previously deported gang associate in Phoenix area
MESA, Ariz. – A Mexican national with ties to a violent street gang who was previously deported three years ago is facing federal criminal charges today after ICE officers were alerted to his presence by the Mesa Police Department.

11/12/2008 | Wake County Sheriff’s Office first of four sites in North Carolina to receive full interoperability technology to help identify criminal aliens
RALEIGH, N.C. — Wake County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday became the first of four law enforcement agencies in North Carolina to receive new database link that will automatically check the criminal and immigration history of all individuals booked into the jail. This new process provides local officers as much information available about individuals they arrest and help to more efficiently identify criminal aliens for potential removal.

11/12/2008 | Dallas County Sheriff’s Office one of the first in U.S. to receive full interoperability technology to help identify criminal aliens biometrically
DALLAS — Dallas County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday became one of only a handful of law enforcement agencies in the United States so far to receive a new database link that will automatically check the criminal and immigration histories of all individuals booked into its jail. This new process provides local officers as much information available about individuals they arrest, and helps to more efficiently identify criminal aliens for potential deportation.

10.29.2008 | Harris County Sheriff’s Office first of several sites in the nation to receive full interoperability technology to help identify criminal aliens
HOUSTON — The Harris County Sheriff’s Office became the first of several law enforcement agencies that will receive additional identity information about non U.S. citizens they arrest, through a new, automated fingerprint-based process that will help identify criminal aliens.

3.28.2008 | ICE unveils sweeping new plan to target criminal aliens in jails nationwide
WASHINGTON, D.C. — ICE today unveiled Secure Communities: A Comprehensive Plan to Identify and Remove Criminal Aliens, a multi-year initiative to more effectively identify, detain and return removable criminal aliens incarcerated in federal, state and local prisons and jails.

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