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"Are there any living things in space? Why is it that everytime they show a footage of a ufo,the picture is blury? "
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  1. Question

    What are the possible organisms to bring to Mars if I want to build an ecological laboratory or habitat to live there?

    Your question may be best answered by Chris McKay's article, "Bringing Life to Mars" in the March 1999 issue of Scientific American (see reference below). This article addresses your question in its entirety, suggesting methods of terraforming Mars as well as considering realistic methods for building possible habitats and future laboratories on the Red Planet. Please check out the following reference at your local library, or see the web link to the article below.

    McKay, C.P. (1999). "Bringing Life to Mars." Scientific American. volume 10, no. 1, p. 52-57. Anna Lee Strachan, NASA Astrobiology Institute
    January 28, 2002