NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Expanding Horizons in Montana

    Microbial Bingo” was the name of the game in a recent outreach event for more than 50 junior high-aged girls from across Montana. The girls came to Montana State University’s astrobiology laboratories this Spring for “That’s Hot! Investigating the Edge of Life” as part of the national program called Expanding Your Horizons. The girls learned about MSU’s research in Yellowstone National Park, and how astrobiology might give us new insights into the early earth as well as life on other planets. The girls then became scientists themselves, using observational data in a race to fill bingo cards by identifying “mystery” micro-organisms.

    Expanding Your Horizons is a national program designed to introduce girls to careers in science, math, technology and engineering. It was started in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1974.

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