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Latest News from Consulate General São Paulo
Pittsburgh Summit

President Obama to Chair the Pittsburgh G-20 Summit – Information for Members of the Press

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host the G-20 Summit September 24-25, 2009.  President Obama will chair this meeting of leaders from countries around the world that represent 85 percent of the world’s economy.  At the Pittsburgh G-20 Summit, leaders will review the progress made since the Washington and London Summits and discuss further actions to assure a sound and sustainable recovery from the global financial and economic crisis. More...

Emanoel Araujo and JohnFranklin

Smithsonian Director Engages Brazil Counterparts on the Arts and Affirmative Action

São Paulo, August 19, 2009 -- Mr. John W. Franklin, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture director forged a rich dialogue and strengthened linkages with organizations and individuals who work to advance racial equality and social justice in Brazil. More...


U.S. Musicians Captivate Audiences and Share Their Talents at Campos Music Festival

São Paulo, August 12, 2009 -- Musicians Dennis Parker, Rita Costanzi and Kathy Halvorson – amazed audiences with their elegant and creative classical musical interpretations at this year’s 40th international winter musical festival held in Campos do Jordão (July 4-26).   The US Consulate São Paulo partnered with the Festival organizers to fund their participation at the popular and well-attended annual festival modeled after the Tanglewood Music Festival.  More...

Morgan Valerie, Cassandra Chepard, Prof. Carlos Leão, Brazilian student Priscila da Silva and U.S. Professor Wendy Gaudin

U.S. and Brazil Black Colleges Forge First Ever Higher Education Partnership

São Paulo, August 13 2009 -- Organized under the Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality –JAPER,  Xavier University Louisiana (XULA) and Brazil’s Zumbi dos Palmares University, have reached an unprecedented bilateral academic and professional partnership of black colleges. More...

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New* Foreign Visitors Program. Click on Education Opportunities. More...

Latest News from Washington
A man in Guatemala lights one of many candles commemorating International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in 2008.

Clinton’s Message on Gender-Based Violence Resonates Worldwide

Washington — Speaking out against gender-based violence was among the top priorities for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during her recent visit to seven countries in Africa, but it is a topic the United States takes seriously worldwide.“There has to be strong prosecution and law enforcement and judiciary action to make it clear that this is unacceptable, that there is no excuse for it,” she said. More...

Visas/U.S. Citizen Services
Secretary Clinton, right, and Colombian Foreign Minister Bermúdez at an August 18 press conference

U.S.– Colombia Defense Cooperation Agreement

On August 14, 2009, the United States and Colombian governments reached provisional agreement ad referendum on a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA).  The agreement is now undergoing final review in anticipation of signature. The United States and Colombia enjoy a close and strategic bilateral relationship. More...