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Collaborators and Customers

The collaborators and customers of the Bayesian metrology project include
  • Collaborator: DARPA

    A major goal of the DARPA sponsored project, understanding Internet performance from the user perspective, is to create statistical models sophisticated enough to cover a broad range of real network behavior, and yet simple and intuitive enough to be easily employed by network researchers. Statistical modeling of network traffic is directed at linking model parameters and/or modeled function features to attributes of the network. Network traffic attributes to be evaluated include: load (number of active clients), time of day, time of week, node type (including role and characteristics) and protocol features such as mix of traffic by protocol type. Single distributional form, even "heavy-tailed" distribution appear inadequate for fitting network data. Our goal is to generate reasonably parsimonious models that captures the important network traffic attribute/behavior and also produce Bayesian as well as frequentist diagnostics of changes in that behavior.

Semiconductor Industry
  • Customer: International SEMATECH Member Companies and other industries -

    Material on design and analysis of experiments for assessing product reliability using Bayesian methods is included in the NIST/SEMATECH Engineering Statistics Internet Handbook available on the World-Wide Web. These methods often offer more efficient experiment designs than other statistical methods do, reducing testing time for product reliability assessments and therefore cutting product costs.

  • Collaborator: LADAR (Lasar Radar)

    In this context, and in conjunction with the commercial sector, NIST initiated the concept of a national, artifact-based, LADAR calibration site, comprising both indoor and outdoor facilities. As part of that concept, tools for the proper statistical analysis of collected calibration data need to be developed based on both classical and Bayesian paradigms.

  • Customer: NIST Labs

    • CSTL
    • PL
    • BFRL
    • MEL
    • MSEL
    • ITL

Date created: 8/28/2001
Last updated: 8/28/2001
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