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Southwest Asia & Africa

There are multiple free trade agreements with countries in southwest Asia and Africa. Below is a brief listing of the countries involved in each agreement, as well as key information to the agreements. Click the link to find more detailed information on each Free Trade Agreement.

South African Customs Union Free Trade Agreement (SACU FTA)(in negotiation)

Countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, US
Combined population: 49,268,817
Imports: $2.5 billion (2002)
Leading Trade Sectors: machinery, vehicles, aircraft, medical instruments, plastics, chemicals, cereals, pharmaceuticals, wood and paper products

For more information, click here

Morocco Free Trade Agreement

Countries: Morocco, US
Population: 34,343,220 (2008)
Imports: $27.14 billion (2007)
Leading Trade Sectors: aircraft, automobiles & parts, live animals, cork & wood, medical/pharmaceutical products, iron & steel, cereals, machinery, misc. grain, seed, fruit, fats and oils, coarse grains, soybeans, and soybean oil

For more information, click here

Jordan Free Trade Agreement

Countries: Jordan, US
Population:6,198,677                                                                                                                          Imports: $12.02 billion worldwide (2007)
Leading Trade Sectors: building material and products, construction equipment and services, energy (oil & gas and electrical power), chemicals, automobiles, plastics, textiles, pollution control/water resource equipment & services, healthcare/medical services and equipment, computing/networking, security and safety equipment, telecommunications services/equipment, agricultural products: wheat, barley, corn, dairy products, sugar, red meat, rice and legumes

For more information, click here

Israel Free Trade Agreement

Countries: Israel, US
Population:7,112,359 (2008)                                                                                                                  Imports: $55.76 billion worldwide (2007)
Leading Trade Sectors: agriculture, automotive parts/equipment, eductational services, electricity and gas service and equipment, electronic components, homeland security, medical products, industrial chemicals, safety and securtiy equipment, travel and tourism

For more information, click here

Bahrain Free Trade Agreement

Countries: Bahrain, US
Population: 718,306 (2008)
Imports: $9.858 billion (2007)
Leading Trade Sectors: motor vehicles, vehicle parts, medical equipment, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, telecommunications, financial services, iron & steel, education, electrical power, metal scrap & aluminum, water, construction, beef, and poultry

For more information, click here

Information concerning populations for each of the countries was obtained from the CIA World Factbook. Information regarding the imports of each country was taken from the FTA fact sheet for each country respectively. If not listed in the fact sheet, the information was obtained from the CIA World Factbook. Import amounts are from the United States unless otherwise noted. For more information contact your local trade specialist.