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RAPID CITY, S.D.— The Indian Arts and Crafts Board, U.S. Department of the Interior, will host a free seminar, Promote and Protect Your Authentic Indian Art and Craftwork, date to be announced soon, at its Sioux Indian Museum, located in The Journey Museum, Rapid City, South Dakota. The seminar will highlight the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, trademarks, copyrights, and patents, Internet marketing, and related business ideas that American Indian artists and artisans may use to promote and protect their traditional and contemporary creative works.

The seminar will serve as a platform for new marketing and promotional ideas and will provide a forum for participants to network and share their experiences as well as their art and craftwork with other Indian artists. As the misrepresentation of art and craftwork as genuine Indian products continues to have devastating effects on Tribal economies nationwide, the focus of the seminar is also to raise the visibility of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act and other laws that protect the livelihoods and cultural heritage of Indian Tribes and their members.

The seminar is free, and open to the public. It will be held:

Date to be announced soon
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Journey Museum, Wells Fargo Theatre
222 New York Street
Rapid City, South Dakota

For additional information on this seminar, please contact the Indian Arts and Crafts Board toll-free at 1-888-ART-FAKE, or email iacb@ios.doi.gov.

The IACB, a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior, was established by Congress in 1935. Its dual mission is to promote authentic Native American art and craftwork of members of federally recognized Tribes, as well as to implement and enforce the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, which makes it illegal to fraudulently market art and craftwork as Indian made when it is not made by and Indian as defined by the Act.

Media contacts:
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
U.S. Department of the Interior
Sioux Indian Museum, IACB


Consent Decree with Santa Fe Company Provides for More Than $12,000 in Penalties, Offers Refunds to Customers

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB), U.S. Department of the Interior, is pleased to join with New Mexico Attorney General Gary King in announcing a Consent Decree reached by the New Mexico Attorney General’s (NMAG) office with Golden Bear Trading, Inc., of Santa Fe on July 29, 2009. The Decree halts the fraudulent sales of Indian art and craftwork by Golden Bear Trading. This case is an important victory in the on going battle against fraudulent Indian art and craftwork in the Southwest.

The Decree culminates a three-year cooperative investigation between the IACB and the NMAG’s office into jewelry purportedly made by well-known Native American artisan Calvin Begay. Golden Bear Trading will pay more than $12,000 in restitution and penalties to the IACB and the NMAG’s office, as well as provide refunds for a four month period to consumers who purchased jewelry under the false assumption it was produced by prominent Navajo jeweler Calvin Begay.

"I want to congratulate Attorney General King and his able staff for helping to lead this investigation and for bringing this successful action," said Meridith Z. Stanton, IACB Director. "State agencies like the NMAG’s office are invaluable partners in the effort to eradicate fake Indian art and craftwork from the marketplace, and the IACB looks forward to continuing to work closely with Attorney General King and his office in pursuing additional enforcement efforts in the New Mexico Indian arts and crafts marketplace.”

Golden Bear Trading permanently closed its business on July 4, 2009. If you have knowledge of fraudulent Indian art and craftwork or would like more information about the IACB, please call toll-free at 1-888-ART-FAKE, or visit www.iacb.doi.gov. For more information on the Decree, as well as refund procedures, visit the NMAG’s website at www.nmag.gov.

The IACB, a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior, was established by Congress in 1935. Its dual mission is to promote authentic Native American art and craftwork of members of federally recognized Tribes, as well as to implement and enforce the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, which makes it illegal to fraudulently market art and craftwork as Indian made when it is not made by and Indian as defined by the Act.

Media contact:

Meridith Stanton (202) 208-3773


U.S. Department of the Interior and New Mexico Office of the Attorney General Promote Authentic Indian Arts and Crafts

Joyce Begay-Foss and Rebecca Webster Selected as Indian Arts and Crafts Board Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

Federal and State Collaboration Results in Crackdown On Marketing of Fake Indian Arts and Craft

National Parks to Highlight Authentic Indian Arts and Crafts

Secretary of the Interior Kempthrone Releases PSA About Buying Authentic Indian Arts and Crafts

Authentic or Counterfeit? How to Buy Genuine American Indian Arts and Crafts

Indian Arts and Crafts Directory Online

Support for Authentic Alaska Native Arts - Resources to Combat Fraudulent Products

Consumers and Artists Can File Complaints Online about Falsely Labeled "Indian-Made" Products

Southern Plains Indian Museum Announces New Hours of Operation


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Indian Arts and Crafts Board
U.S. Department of Interior
1849 C. Street, N.W.
MS 2528-MIB
Washington, DC. 20240
Telephone: (202) 208-3773
Toll Free: (888) ART-FAKE
Fax: (202) 208-5196
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