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2006 Request for Proposals


Budget Form 1 2

Budget Item
1 - Salaries3

2 - Fringe Benefits4

3 - Equipment

4 - Supplies

5 - Travel5

6 - Other Costs

Total Direct Costs


Modified TDC


Indirect Costs6


Total Costs



  1. This form should be accompanied by a narrative justification to provide sufficient supporting detail.
  2. Whole dollar amounts are sufficient.
  3. Specify monthly dollar amount and full-time equivalent for each individual.
  4. Express as a percentage of total salaries (or percentages if applicable).
  5. Itemize mode of travel, fare, lodging and per diem expenses, and name of traveler(s) for each trip.
  6. Overhead may be included if desired, based on the proposing institution's federally approved indirect cost rate agreement. Note: this award is not a research grant.
    The award will be a subcontract for an outreach, educational, training type of program.