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Statistical Engineering Division
Seminar Series

Research Directions in Adaptive Mixtures and Model-based Clustering

Dr. Wendy Martinez
Office of Naval Research
Statistical Engineering Division, NIST
Room 618 NN
Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 10:30 - 11:30 AM


This talk will present some new research that combines aspects of model-based clustering and adaptive mixtures density estimation. First, we use adaptive mixtures density estimation as a way of initializing model-based agglomerative clustering and explore the utility of this method. Second, we propose a new method of density estimation that combines aspects of model-based clustering with adaptive mixtures.This work is joint with Jeff Solka, NSWCDD/GMU

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Wendy Martinez received her Ph.D. in computational sciences and informatics from George Mason University in 1995. She completed a Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering from the George Washington University in 1991, and a  Bachelor of Science in physics and mathematics in 1989. Dr. Martinez is currently serving as a program officer at the Office of Naval Research, where she manages science and technology programs ranging from basic research to more advanced R&D projects, such as the SensorNet. She has been with the Navy since 1991, when she first started working at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in algorithms for data analysis, as well as models and simulations pertaining to sensor systems. Dr. Martinez has written numerous journal articles, holds several patents, and is the co-author of two books on computational statistics.

NIST Contact: Charles Hagwood, (301) 975-2846.

Date created: 5/4/2005
Last updated: 5/4/2005
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