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The National Reye's Syndrome Foundation
PO Box 829 - Bryan - OH 43506
Reye's Syndrome Awareness Month is September - our Ribbon Color is Process Blue.
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Find out more about the 35 Year Commemoration and
Pre-Order your Historical Journal here
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National Reye's Syndrome Foundation
What Is Reye's Syndrome Suspecting Reye's Facts About Reyes Treatment
ALERT: Talk to your Teen... Tell them Why... Tell them about Reye's!
Click here to learn how important it is to talk about Reye's with your Teens and Young Adults. Learn why it is not just Aspirin Products, but all Salicylate containing products.
2009: We Commemorate 35 Years of Awareness, Research, & Service Saving the Lives of Children.
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The National Reye's Syndrome Foundation neither seeks nor receives government grants or funds for services and depends totally on voluntary contributions for support of all programs.
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August of 2009, the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation will commemorate 35 years of Awareness, Research, and Service to parents, caregivers, medical professionals, and especially, to Children.

There were many who served... many who made a difference... many who lost children then turned around and saved other children.

The selfless giving, the grass roots hands-across-the Country Awareness Campaigns, from Moms and Dads, Grandparents, Senators, Celebrities, and Presidents... there was a coming-together... an unrivaled dedication and a commitment that moved a nation and saved children.


35 Year Commemorative


We compiled this awe-inspiring History into an attractive book, a book that takes us back through the journey, year by year; a journey that portrays the courage, fortitude, and accomplishments of a group of individuals whose commitments were far bigger than themselves, whose voices rang out together as one voice, a group of ordinary people who fought and triumphed so that others would be safe...

The Children we lost are Honored...The Stories are there.... Pictures worth a thousand words.... The Acknowledgments are there... As is our gratitude for the opportunity to have experienced having been a part of something that truly made a difference in so many lives....

The NRSF's 35 year Commemoration will be available in August 2009, and if you would like to order a copy, click here...

The Foundation's Programs

Awareness - to aid in early detection and to educate the public and medical communities about the risk factor involved with the use of aspirin. To conduct awareness programs, the NRSF has brochures, bulletins, television and radio public service announcements, documentary and video/DVD presentations, and a speakers bureau available to groups and organizations free of charge.

Service - to give the families experiencing the personal trauma of Reye's Syndrome emotional support and guidance.

Research - to support investigation into the cause, management, treatment, and prevention of the disease, as well as study the impact the disease has had on survivors.

Major Accomplishments of the NRSF

NRSF Accomplishments Encouraged and supported mandatory warning labels on all over-the-counter medicines containing aspirin.
NRSF Accomplishments Produced and distributed an award-winning Reye's Syndrome documentary, entitled "Reye's Syndrome: A Real and Present Danger." This documentary is still available.
NRSF Accomplishments Developed and produced television and radio public service announcements featuring National Spokesperson, Dick Van Dyke.
NRSF Accomplishments Provides a toll-free 800 Reye's Syndrome hot line: 1-800-233-7393.
NRSF Accomplishments Conducts an annual mass mailing to almost 16,000 school systems across the country in a massive education awareness campaign.
NRSF Accomplishments Observes National Reye's Syndrome Month in September and National Reye's Syndrome Week the third full week in September.
NRSF Accomplishments Participates in various television programs and taped radio interviews across the country.
NRSF Accomplishments Establishes affiliates located throughout the country.
NRSF Accomplishments Produced and distributed a medical DVD, entitled "Reye Syndrome And It's Mimickers"
-- Only available for medical professionals.
NRSF Accomplishments Consistently updated Website; Available in Multiple Languages; Language Expansion Continuous.


The Foundation established a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) comprised of eight medical scientists from various parts of the United States and Canada, many of whom have been active in Reye's Syndrome research.

The Scientific Advisory Board is chaired by Dr. Thomas H. Glick, Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, and Chief of Neurology at The Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
Toll Free: 1-800-233-7393 (U.S. only)
Telephone: 1-419-924-9000
FAX: 1-419-924-9999

The Foundation's Top Objectives are:

... AWARENESS - to aid in early detection and educate the public and medical communities about the risk involved with using aspirin and other salicylates.

... SERVICE - to provide emotional support and guidance to families experiencing the trauma of Reye's Syndrome.

... RESEARCH - to support investigation into the disease's cause, management, treatment and prevention, as well as study its impact on survivors.

If this site has proved helpful to you, a donation from you would assist us in keeping this site up-to-date. To make a tax deductible donation to the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, click here.

To become a member of the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, click here.

Know that your donations and memberships allow us to continue spreading Awareness about Reye's Syndrome to new mom's, new medical professionals, caregivers, schools, daycare centers, churches, and immigrants, and to a global population who can now access this website. You make a difference, a life and death difference. -- Thank You.

Report A Case of Reye's Syndrome

Tylenol and Ibuprophen do not contain Salicylates and can be used as a fever reducer.
When taking any medication we recommend you check with your doctor first.

Aspirin / Salicylate Link
Medications containing Aspirin / Salicylates
Over the Counter Drugs containing Aspirin / Salicylates
Topical Products containing Aspirin / Salicylates
Ingredients to Avoid List
Literature & Lists
Medical Library
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Article Library
News Letters:
............... Fall 2007
............... Spring 2008
............... Fall 2008
............... Spring 2009
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The National Reye's Syndrome Foundation neither seeks nor receives government grants or funds for
services rendered and depends totally on voluntary contributions for support of all programs.
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