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Home > FDsys Info > Outreach


We at the Government Printing Office (GPO) believe that our customers, partners and stakeholders must have a voice in, and help drive the development of GPO's Federal Digital Information System (FDsys).

This voice of the customer (VOC) process is critical to developing and delivering a system that meets and exceeds user needs and expectations, a goal of FDsys. The process focuses on capturing changing customer requirements over time and requesting feedback throughout the lifecycle of the program. GPO's is committed to openness and maintaining a focus on the customer for the FDsys program.

From the inception of the program, all of our background material (i.e., Concept of Operations and Requirements Document) has been available for public review and comment.

We encourage interested customers, partners and stakeholders to participate in the VOC process. We encourage you to read our material, understand where we are going, and participate to make sure your voice is heard.

Mike Wash
Chief Information Officer
U.S. Government Printing Office

If you would like to participate in any FDsys activities or provide feedback, please let us know at We welcome any opportunity to discuss the system.

Upcoming Activities
Fall Depository Library Council Meeting
October 2008

FDsys Beta Testing
December 2008

Recent Activities (previous six months)
Partnerships in Innovation II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond, Sponsored by NARA and the University of Maryland
October 2008

Society of American Archivists
August 2008

The American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting
July 2008

IS&T's Archiving 2008 Conference
June 2008

American Library Association Annual Meeting
June 2008

Society for Imaging Science & Technology's 2008 Archiving Conference
June 2008

Quick Links

Current Status
FDsys will be implemented through a series of releases

Three major releases planned
Three major releases planned

Connect & join in upcoming activities

Voice of the Customer (VOC)
FDsys will benefit all of GPO stakeholders

Industry Information
FDsys will benefit all of GPO stakeholders

Working with the FDsys Team
Specific areas of technology that are a current priority

Industry Days
Events exploring new possibilities

Reference Material

FDsys Blog
Subscribe to Atom Feed

Program Management Office