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Measures of State Economic Distress: Housing Foreclosures and Changes in Unemployment and Food Stamp Participation

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  Foreclosure Rate April 2009 (1/every X housing unit) Foreclosure Rank Percentage Point Change in Monthly Unemployment Rate March 2008-2009 Unemployment Change Rank Percent Change in Monthly Food Stamp Participation February 2008-2009 Food Stamp Change Rank Rank across All Measures
United States 374 NA 3.4% 1 NA 17.4% 2 NA NA
Alabama 926 30 4.7% 7 (tie) 16.1% 24 (tie) 22
Alaska 1196 33 2.0% 41 (tie) 9.4% 45 43
Arizona 164 4 3.1% 23 (tie) 27.4% 5 (tie) 5 (tie)
Arkansas 691 21 1.7% 46 7.0% 48 41
California 138 3 4.8% 5 (tie) 18.9% 15 3
Colorado 387 9 2.9% 31 (tie) 22.5% 13 14 (tie)
Connecticut 662 19 2.2% 38 11.0% 42 36 (tie)
Delaware 2089 40 3.6% 16 (tie) 18.6% 17 27
District of Columbia 714 23 3.6% 16 (tie) 15.1% 30 24 (tie)
Florida 135 2 4.3% 10 30.9% 4 2
Georgia 344 7 3.6% 16 (tie) 24.8% 9 5 (tie)
Hawaii 741 24 4.0% 12 17.0% 20 17
Idaho 255 5 2.9% 31 (tie) 34.6% 1 7
Illinois 384 8 3.1% 23 (tie) 11.4% 38 (tie) 24 (tie)
Indiana 554 15 4.7% 7 (tie) 11.7% 35 18 (tie)
Iowa 2107 41 1.3% 50 15.3% 27 (tie) 42
Kansas 1549 38 2.0% 41 (tie) 14.5% 31 40
Kentucky 2139 42 3.9% 13 (tie) 10.4% 43 35
Louisiana 1653 39 1.6% 47 (tie) 5.8% 51 49
Maine 2809 44 3.1% 23 (tie) 12.7% 32 (tie) 36 (tie)
Maryland 642 17 3.1% 23 (tie) 23.7% 10 11 (tie)
Massachusetts 518 13 3.1% 23 (tie) 23.1% 12 10
Michigan 418 11 5.0% 4 11.5% 37 13
Minnesota 650 18 3.1% 23 (tie) 12.2% 34 29
Mississippi 3746 45 3.3% 21 11.1% 41 39
Missouri 981 31 3.1% 23 (tie) 15.2% 29 31
Montana 7140 48 2.0% 41 (tie) 10.0% 44 48
Nebraska 6617 47 1.5% 49 7.1% 47 50
Nevada 68 1 4.8% 5 (tie) 31.4% 3 1
New Hampshire 574 16 2.5% 37 18.2% 18 26
New Jersey 695 22 3.5% 20 12.7% 32 (tie) 28
New Mexico 1209 34 2.0% 41 (tie) 18.0% 19 33 (tie)
New York 1420 37 3.0% 30 16.5% 21 32
North Carolina 1339 35 5.4% 3 18.8% 16 16
North Dakota 8393 49 1.2% 51 6.2% 50 51
Ohio 411 10 3.6% 16 (tie) 16.1% 24 (tie) 11 (tie)
Oklahoma 1379 36 2.6% 35 6.5% 49 44
Oregon 419 12 6.6% 1 23.4% 11 4
Pennsylvania 1085 32 2.9% 31 (tie) 11.6% 36 36 (tie)
Rhode Island 811 26 3.7% 15 15.3% 27 (tie) 23
South Carolina 876 29 5.5% 2 15.7% 26 18 (tie)
South Dakota 21014 50 2.1% 39 (tie) 11.4% 38 (tie) 46
Tennessee 785 25 3.9% 13 (tie) 16.4% 22 (tie) 21
Texas 834 28 2.1% 39 (tie) 20.6% 14 30
Utah 312 6 1.9% 45 32.8% 2 14 (tie)
Vermont 155717 51 2.6% 35 24.9% 8 33 (tie)
Virginia 524 14 3.2% 22 16.4% 22 (tie) 20
Washington 817 27 4.4% 9 27.4% 5 (tie) 9
West Virginia 6087 46 2.7% 34 9.2% 46 45
Wisconsin 663 20 4.1% 11 27.1% 7 8
Wyoming 2551 43 1.6% 47 (tie) 11.3% 40 47


Foreclosure Activity Remain at Record Levels in April, RealtyTrac. Available at http://www.realtytrac.com//ContentManagement/PressRelease.aspx?channelid=9&ItemID=6379.

Unemployment Rates, Bureau of Labor Statistics, available at http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/laus.pdf and http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/surveymost?bls.

Food Stamp State Level Participation, United States Department of Agriculture, available at http://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/snapmain.htm.


Foreclosure Rate:  Represents the number of foreclosures filed for every X housing units during the month of April 2009.  A foreclosure is a legal procedure by which mortgaged property is sold, upon default, in order to satisfy a debt. Foreclosures generally are governed by state law, and rules may vary between states. 
Foreclosure Rate Rank: 1=largest foreclosure rate
Data in table reflect foreclosure rates as reported by RealtyTrac as of April 2009.  Comprehensive foreclosure data may not have been available for all geographic areas in all states at the time of analysis, but data represent the best available measure of foreclosure rates that is comparable across the states.  For more information, contact RealtyTrac at http://www.realtytrac.com/ContentManagement/pressrelease.aspx?ChannelID=9&ItemID=5420&accnt=64847.

Change in Monthly Unemployment Rate:  Represents the percentage point change in the monthly unemployment rate for March 2008 compared to March 2009. The latest monthly unemployment data are available on statehealthfacts.org at http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=23&cat=1&sub=6&yr=83&typ=2&sort=1369&o=d. Unemployment Change Rank: 1=largest increase in unemployment rate

Change in Monthly Food Stamp Participation:  Represents the percent change in the monthly numbers of people participating in the food stamp program for February 2008 compared to February 2009. Data for February 2009 are preliminary. US total includes territories. The latest monthly food stamp program data are available on statehealthfacts.org at http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=651&cat=1&sub=7&yr=1&typ=1&sort=1387&o=d

Food Stamp Change Rank: 1=largest increase in participation

Average Rank: Represents the rank of the average rank for each state across all three measures.  1=most distress across measures

  1. The latest monthly unemployment data are available on statehealthfacts.org. See Definitions.
  2. The latest monthly food stamp program data are available on statehealthfacts.org. See Definitions.

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