National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis

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Frequently Asked Questions - Civilian Personnel Records

  1. How do I get information from my civilian personnel records?

  2. I need information on my retirement benefits and how much I have in my retirement account.

  3. I want to be reinstated in Federal service. Please send me what I need.

  4. How do I get dependent medical records?

  5. I am trying to trace my family tree. Please send me whatever information you have.

  6. How do I get information involving Relief Agencies or enrollment in the Civilian Conservation Corps?

1. How do I get information from my civilian personnel records?

The Privacy Act of 1974 and the Office of Personnel Management directives require a written request, signed and dated, to access information from civilian personnel records. Written authorization of the person of record, or proof of that person's death, is also needed.

Civilian personnel records are normally transferred to the National Personnel Records Center, CPR within 120 days after an employee's separation from Federal employment. If less than 120 days have elapsed since separation, write to the last employing office. Thereafter, send your request to the appropriate office indicated below. Include in your letter the following information pertaining to the record sought.

Full name used during Federal employment
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Name(s) of Federal employing agency(s)
Approximate dates of Federal employment, especially separation

Please state in your letter the information you are seeking and BE SURE YOUR REQUEST CONTAINS THE INDIVIDUAL'S OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURE.

Mail to:
National Personnel Records Center
Civilian Personnel Records
111 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, MO 63118

Documents may also be picked up in person by visiting the Research Room. Complete
NA Form 13068, Walk-in Request for OPM Records or Information and submit it to the Research Room attendant upon your visit.

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2. I need information on my retirement benefits and how much I have in my retirement account.

The information requested is not on file at the National Personnel Records Center. Questions relating to retirement and benefits should be directed to:
Office Of Personnel Management (OPM)
Employee Service and Records Center
Boyers, Pennsylvania 16017

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3. I want to be reinstated in Federal service. Please send me what I need.

Copies of Standard Forms 50 (Personnel Actions) from your previous Federal employment are usually needed for reinstatement purposes. You may request copies of those documents by writing to the Center. We do not have the authority to determine reinstatement eligibility, only OPM or the hiring agency can determine that.
Contact the personnel office with which you are currently employed or seeking employment, or:

Office of Personnel Management
Office of Washington Examining Services
1900 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20415

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4. How do I get dependent medical records?

Medical records for military dependents treated at Army, Air Force and Coast Guard facilities may be requested by writing to:

National Personnel Records Center
Civilian Personnel Records
111 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, MO 63118

Dependent records of treatment at Naval facilities may be obtained by writing to:

National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132

Requests for dependent medical records should include:

  1. Name of the Dependent at time of treatment
  2. Name of the military sponsor
  3. Sponsor's branch of service
  4. Sponsor's Social Security/Service Number
  5. Type of record requested

WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION (signature) of the person of record is necessary, unless the dependent has not reached legal age.

If requesting In-patient records (Clinical) include:

  1. Name and location of hospitalizing facility
  2. Year of hospitalization

If requesting Out-patient records (health) include:

  1. Name and Location of last treatment facility
  2. Last year of Treatment
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5. I am trying to trace my family tree. Please send me whatever information you have.

This facility is the repository of personnel records of former Federal civilian employees. If your family member was employed by the Federal Government, their records would be here. Please see information on accessing Official Personnel Folders. Otherwise, the information you request is not in our facility. Requests for other genealogical information should be directed to:

National Archives and Records Administration
Genealogy Research Room
7th and Pennsylvania NW
Washington, DC 20408

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6. How do I get information involving Relief Agencies or enrollment in the Civilian Conservation Corps?

The Privacy Act of 1974 and the Office of Personnel Management directives require a written request, signed and dated, to access information from civilian personnel records. Written authorization of the person of record, or proof of that person's death, is also needed.

Records involving relief agencies, such as, the Civil Works Administration (CWA), Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), National Youth Administration (NYA) and Works Progress Administration (WPA) or enrollment in the Civilian Conservation Corps may be requested in writing.

Please state in your letter the information you are seeking along with the information shown below. Lack of the following information may result in our inability to identify a record and you may receive
NA Form 13064, Reply to Request Involving Relief Agencies.

Requests for records involving a Relief Agency or Civilian Conservation Corps should include:

  1. Name used at the time of the claimed service (provide exact spelling and include the middle name if known)
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Home address (city and state) at time of the claimed service
  4. Parents' name
  5. Dates of service (day, month & year)
  6. CCC Company numbers
  7. Location of employing office (city & state)
  8. Title(s) of position(s) held (if known)
  9. Rate of pay (if known)
  10. Name and location of school
  11. Name and location of sponsoring agency and bureau (if the claimed service was on a project sponsored by a Federal agency)

Mail to:
National Personnel Records Center
Civilian Personnel Records
111 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, MO 63118

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