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Research by Researchers

Ray Assel
Scientist Emeritus
Climatology, regional climate trends
Freshwater ice
Hydrometeorological processes
Lake hydrology

Dmitry Beletsky
Hydrodynamic modeling

Steve Brandt
Scientist Emeritus
Freshwater ecology
Trophic relationships
Predator-prey interactions among fishes

Juli Dyble Bressie
Harmful algal blooms
Cyanobacterial ecology
Genetic regulation of cyanotoxin production

Marie Colton
Remote Sensing

Thomas Croley
Scientist emeritus
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
Hydrologic processes
Rainfall/Runoff modeling
Water resources forecasting
Coupled hydrosphere - atmosphere modeling
Lake water levels
Lake thermodynamics; evaporation

Carlo De Marchi
Visting Scientist
Watershed hydrology modeling
Uncertainty characterization water quality
Remote sensing applications to hydrology
Water resources management

Brian Eadie
Scientist emeritus
Stable isotope biogeochemistry
Carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry
Contaminant organics
Ecosystem biochemistry
Particle transport
Lake episodic events

Gary Fahnenstiel
Ecosystem dynamics
Nonindigenous species biology
Microbial food web
Phytoplankton ecology

Nathan Hawley
Sediment transport
Hydrodynamics of suspended particulates

Jessica Head
Avian toxicology
Molecular biology

Tom Johengen
Nutrient chemistry

Donna Kashian
Visting Scientist
Influence of global climate change on contaminants
Long term trends in benthic populations

Peter Landrum
Scientist emeritus
Aquatic contaminants
Nonindigenous species - ballast water
Organic toxicants: fate and effects

George Leshkevich
Satellite remote sensing
Freshwater ice

Paul Liu
Scientist emeritus
Lake waves
Nearshore hydrodynamics
Shallow water wave dynamics
Ocean waves

Brent Lofgren
Regional climate modeling
Coupled hydrosphere - atmosphere modeling

Stephen Lozano
Ecological monitoring

Doran Mason
Nonindigenous species biology
Food web dynamics
Habitat-mediated interactions
Ecological modeling

Tom Nalepa
Benthic invertebrates
Benthic nutrient cycle
Zebra mussels

Steven Pothoven
Fish and macroinvertebrates ecology
Feeding ecology

Michael Quigley
Benthic Invertebrate Physiology

David Reid
Great Lakes bathymetry
Nonindigenous species - ballast water

John Robbins
Scientist emeritus
Aquatic systems - nuclear methods
Sediment geochronology

Steve Ruberg
Marine Instrumentation and Technology
Oceanographic Data Collection

Edward Rutherford
Fish Population Dynamics
Larval Fish Ecology
Bioenergetics Modeling
Fisheries Management

Dave Schwab
Hydrodynamic modeling
Lake circulation
Lake storm surges
Coastal dynamics
Geophysical fluid dynamics
Lake waves

Craig Stow
Aquatic Ecosystems
Ecological Modeling and Forecasting

Henry Vanderploeg
Nonindigenous species invasion dynamics and ecosystem impacts
Spiny water fleas (Cercopagis and Bythotrephes)
Zebra and Quagga mussels

Jia Wang
Arctic and Great Lakes climate change studies
Coupled ice-ocean-ecosystems modeling
Development of data assimilation methods for ice-ocean ecosystems

Meng Xia
Storm Surge and Land Inundation Modeling
Hydrological modeling: estuarine and coastal ocean
River Plume Dynamics
Larval Transport Modeling

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Last updated: 2009-07-07 gcm