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2007 AGU Fall Meeting, December 10-14, San Francisco, CA

Multi-Sensor Data From A-Train Instruments Brought
Together for Atmospheric Research

1Peter Smith, 1Steve Kempler, 1Greg Leptoukh, 1Andrey Savtchenko, 2Graeme Stephens, 3Dave Winker

1 GES DISC/DAAC, Code 610.2, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
2 NASA/LaRC, MS/75, Langley, Virginia 23681, USA
3 Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Ft. Collins CO  80523, USA

The A-Train is comprised of a series of instruments, developed independently, that measure highly related atmospheric components along the same flight path.  In order to intercompare data from this multitude of sensors, researchers must access, subset, visualize, analyze and correlate distributed atmosphere measurements from the various A-Train instruments.  The A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) has been operational for over a year, successfully performing the aforementioned functions on behalf of researchers, thus providing co-registered data from the Cloudsat, CALIOP, AIRS, and MODIS instruments for further intercomparisons.  Of late, significant data from OMI and POLDER are now included in the ‘depot’.  By specifying the desired spatial and temporal range, the researcher can subset, visualize, co-register, and access multi-sensor A-Train data related to: Cloud, aerosol, atmospheric temperature, and water vapor parameters (vertical profile visualizations); Cloud Pressure, cloud top temperature, water vapor, cloud optical thickness, and aerosol products (horizontal strips subsetted +/- 100km from the profile visualizations), and; Cloud pressure parameters (2-D line plots overlayed on the vertical profiles).  All data is plotted using the GIOVANNI data exploration tool.  A new feature of GIOVANNI is its ability to have collocated and subsetted data sets as well as PNG image files downloaded to the researcher’s computing facility.  By providing a convenient way to visualize and acquire multi-sensor data, ATDD affords users more time and effort to further their research.


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