Wing 3 Construction on Schedule

The modernization of Wing 3 of the Main Interior Building is on schedule for completion in early January 2010. Occupants have moved into the modernized space and in preparation for work in Wing 3, occupants have been relocated and the construction barriers have been put in place. The reoccupation of Wing 3 and move out of wing 2 is expected to start the middle of January and be completed by March 2010.

A number of offices, services, and/or businesses will be relocated. The cafeteria modernization is on schedule for completion in March 2010 and food service will begin in May/June 2010. The new design and layout of the cafeteria area will create additional space to accommodate the post office, IDRA Store, and a conference room.

The new snack bar will continue to provide food services to the occupants after the opening of the cafeteria. The original snack bar will be closed.

The health center will continue to be located in the North Penthouse, and will move to a permanent location after the completion of Wing 2.

The Department of the Interior Credit Union has been relocated to a permanent location in the basement of the Main Interior Building, adjacent to the Cafeteria, for easy access.

Formally called the “Watch Office,” the new Interior Operations Center (IOC), addressing emergency operations for the Department of the Interior, has been relocated to the Main Interior Building.

Reoccupation of Wing 3 is expected to start in January of 2010.

Organization Names Wing (by floor)
Office of the Solicitor (SOL)
Office of Executive Secretary
Office of Communications
Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Office of the Solicitor (SOL) 5300
Office of Special Trustee (OST)
Office of Civil Rights
Office of Human Resources
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
National Park Service (NPS)
National Park Service (NPS) 2300
Indian Water Rights Office
Drug Testing
Post Office, IDRA Store Basement

DOI and GSA - Working Together for You

The Department of the Interiors’ (DOI) National Business Center (NBC) Main Interior Building (MIB) Modernization Program Office is the DOI liaison with the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Capital Region, Potomac Delivery Team.  DOI provides Program Management expertise, and serves as the main point of contact for MIB occupants.  GSA has the significant responsibility of the execution of the construction contract for this six-phase, $220 Million project.  Working together, DOI and GSA are building a better workplace and safeguarding our most precious resource – you!   For more information about GSA click here.

U.S. Department of the Interior

NBC Modernization Program Office

1849 C Street NW MS 2505 • Washington DC 20240

E-Mail Address:

Phone: 202 208-7283 • Fax: 202 208-2502

Last Updated on 08/17/2009

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