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RXTE Guest Observer Faciliity


RXTE Cycle 11: Important Details Regarding Proposal Submission

Important changes have taken place that effect the submission of RXTE Cycle 11 Stage 1 science observing proposals.

Beginning this year, ALL proposals must include an electronic submission through the NASA Research Opportunities NSPIRES system, which can be accessed via:

** NSPIRES Proposal cover Page Form ** Click here

All PIs submitting proposals from US institutions must complete and submit electronically an NSPIRES cover page. Generate this cover page by following the appropriate steps on the NSPIRES page above. Example:

    log in with your Member Login
    choose "Proposals"
    click "Create Proposal" under Active Proposals
    select "Solicitation"
    choose "Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Guest Observer Cycle 11"
    proceed with your proposal input
Please note a significant change between NSPIRES and the system that was used last year: The NSPIRES cover page must be submitted by an authorized official of the proposing institution; it may not be submitted by the PI. In order to do this, the proposing institution must register with NSPIRES. This change does not apply to submitting Notices of Intent (NOIs) -- PIs may still submit NOIs themselves.

All PIs located at non-US instititutions must complete and submit electronically an NSPIRES Notice of Intent (NOI). Generate this NOI by following the appropriate steps on the NSPIRES page above. Example:

    log in with your Member Login
    choose "Proposals"
    click "Create NOI" under Active NOIs
    choose "Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Guest Observer Cycle 11"
    proceed with your proposal input

It is a requirement to submit these electronic forms for all RXTE Cycle 11 Stage 1 proposals. Note, you must still complete and submit electronically a Remote Proposal System (RPS) cover page, general form, and target form, as in all previous RXTE observing cycles. For further information, see RPS for RXTE.

In summary, RXTE Cycle 11 proposers must submit the following:

  • NSPIRES Cover Page (US-institution PIs) or NOI (Foreign-inst. PIs)
  • RPS Cover Page
  • RPS General Form
  • RPS Target Form

Due to the necessity for foreign PIs to submit NOIs, the NOI deadline for RXTE Cycle 11 is identical to the proposal deadline, September 19, 2005.

For help with the NSPIRES system, contact

If you have any questions, or need assistance with your RXTE Cycle 11 proposal preparation, send e-mail to the RXTE GOF via our feedback form.

If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our help desks.

This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Friday, 16-Sep-2005 13:04:21 EDT.

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