ODP Information Bulletin
No. 94 - January 13, 2004

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All State Homeland Security Directors
FROM: C. Suzanne Mencer
SUBJECT: FY2004 Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP)

The Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) is streamlining the application, distribution, and reporting of grant funding to states and territories for the FY 2004 grant programs. To increase efficiency and decrease the application burden placed on states, the following programs have been consolidated into two application kits for FY2004: The Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP), which includes the State Homeland Security, Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention, and Citizen Corps Programs; and the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), which includes funding for both urban areas and mass transit systems. In addition to consolidating the application process, ODP is also taking measured steps to streamline and clarify its grant reporting process.

All FY 2004 grant recipients receiving funding through these programs are required to submit an Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP) within 60 days of the grant award in accordance with Appendix C of both application kits. This streamlined process will benefit the states by shifting the emphasis away from reporting on the number and cost of specific items purchased and toward reporting on expenditures by project and the impact of those expenditures. Grantees will be required to tie all funds received to specific, actionable projects and must link each one to the goals and objectives identified in their State and, where appropriate, Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies. This reporting process will enable states and ODP to track grant expenditures against State and Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies for all funding streams, as well as collect critical project output and performance data.

An electronic template is being created to allow grant recipients to complete and submit the ISIP electronically. The enclosed fact sheet briefly outlines ISIP requirements and the SAA’s role in preparing and submitting these plans to ODP.

In the coming weeks, ODP will provide more detailed information including a description of all ISIP requirements, the electronic template, step-by-step directions for completing and submitting the plans, as well as materials that can be distributed to local jurisdictions. ODP will also provide technical assistance as needed to you and your staff as we initiate this reporting process. If you have any questions, please contact your ODP Program Manager at (800) 368-6498.


Overview of
FY2004 Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP)

Purpose: The FY 2004 Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP) is the method through which all Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) FY2004 grant recipients will report on their planned and actual grant expenditures. The ISIP is designed to provide ODP, DHS, and Congress with a comprehensive “snapshot” of how each state and territory is implementing their State Homeland Security Strategy (SHSS) with ODP grant funds and the anticipated impact of these expenditures on our Nation’s preparedness.

Overview: ODP is creating and will distribute a blank ISIP template to each State Administrative Agency (SAA). The template will be in an electronic format to maximize efficiency and to establish a baseline for future grant reporting requirements. All data submitted to ODP through this template will be available for updating prior to future report (Biannual Strategy Implementation Plan) submissions.

Requirements: Within 60 days of the grant award, a completed ISIP is required to be submitted electronically to ODP. Submission of the template satisfies the reporting requirement identified in Appendix C of both the FY2004 Homeland Security Grant Program and FY2004 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Program application kits. Examples of information to be captured in the ISIP template include:

  • Legal jurisdiction and agency names
  • Total dollar amount received from each program area (e.g., Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program, State Homeland Security Program)
  • Title and description of projects to be accomplished during the grant period with funds provided
  • SHSS and UAHSS goals and/or objectives supported by each project
  • Intended expenditure of funds for each project by solution area (planning, organization, equipment, training and exercise) and program area
  • Intended expenditure of funds for each project by discipline and program area
  • Project outputs by solution area
  • Anticipated project progress/success in the areas of prevention, response and recovery

All funds provided through the FY 2004 Homeland Security Grant Program FY2004 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Program applications must be linked to one or more projects, which in turn must support specific goals or objectives in the State’s and, where appropriate, Urban Area’s Homeland Security Strategy. It is imperative that each state communicate its goals and objectives to local jurisdictions in order to ensure an appropriate understanding of how funds must be expended under these grants.

Role of the SAA: The SAA has the primary responsibility to provide completed ISIPs for the state level and all local jurisdictions to their ODP Program Manager within 60 days of the grant award date. The final plan submission to ODP will include at least one state-level template and one template for every jurisdiction or state agency that receives a sub-grant. These plans will account for all funds retained by the State and for each sub-grantee (local jurisdiction, other State agencies, or federally recognized tribal nation). States may populate all template information on behalf of local jurisdictions or provide the templates to local jurisdictions to complete.