ODP Information Bulletin
No. 91 - December 23, 2003

TO: All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All Urban Areas Security Initiative Points of Contact
FROM: C. Suzanne Mencer
SUBJECT: Expanded Use of FY 2003 SHSGP II and FY 2003 UASI II Funds

The Fiscal Year 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) Part II and the Fiscal Year 2003 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program II allow a specified amount of program funds to be used for increased security measures at critical infrastructure sites during periods of federally activated heightened alerts. Examples of allowable costs include public safety overtime, contract security, and National Guard deployments.

The Secretary has authorized funding from these programs to be utilized during the latest elevation of the national threat level, which began on December 21, 2003. Guidance for the use of such funds can be found in the FY 03 SHSGP II and the FY 03 UASI II grant solicitation kits. Further guidance was provided in ODP Information Bulletin No. 84, dated October 1, 2003. Additionally, funding for overtime and backfill costs associated with staffing of Emergency Operations Centers (EOC’s) during this latest heightened threat level is authorized. This last provision does not apply to previous elevated threat levels.

For more information on the authorized use of grant funds for increased security measures, please contact your ODP Preparedness Officer by calling the ODP Helpline at (800) 368-6498.