ODP Information Bulletin
No. 82 September 26, 2003

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact

FROM: Andrew T. Mitchell
Acting Director
SUBJECT: Allowable Training Costs

The Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) has recently received several requests from states seeking clarification on allowable costs for training funds. Specifically, in question is whether travel expenses, per diem, and lodging associated with students= attendance of ODP sponsored training courses are allowable expenses under the State Homeland Security Grant Program Part II (SHSGP II). Also in question is whether backfill costs associated with sending personnel to training are eligible expenses under SHSGP II. Based upon further review of legislative language and intent and program guidance, ODP has determined these expenses are allowable under SHSGP Part II, provided that the training being attended is ODP sponsored training.

Grantees are reminded that travel reimbursement must be in accordance with state law as highlighted in the United States Financial Guide. States must also follow state regulations regarding travel. If a state or territory does not have a travel policy they must follow federal guidelines and rates, as explained in the United States Financial Guide. For further information on federal law pertaining to travel costs please refer to www.ojp.usdoj.gov/FinGuide.

Please feel free to contact your ODP Program Manager with additional questions regarding allowable travel expenses.