ODP Information Bulletin

No. 69 March 25, 2003

TO:All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact

FROM:Andrew T. Mitchell
Acting Director
SUBJECT:Release of Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program - Volume I: Overview and Doctrine

The Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) is pleased to announce the release of the first in a series of documents on its Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). The HSEEP is a national exercise program of financial and direct support to assist state and local governments with the development and implementation of a state exercise and evaluation program to assess and enhance domestic preparedness.

The HSEEP series is designed to provide guidance on the design, conduct, and evaluation of terrorism threat- and performance-based exercises. This document, Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program - Volume I: Overview and Doctrine, provides the state and local homeland security community with: ODP’s exercise and evaluation doctrine; a uniform approach for exercise design, development, conduct, and evaluation; and an exercise design and implementation process. Subsequent volumes of the HSEEP manuals will provide additional guidance on the design, development, conduct and evaluation of exercises.

The document is currently available on ODP’s webpage at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp. We are having the document printed and will send multiple copies to you shortly. Other documents in the series will be available in the coming months.