ODP Information Bulletin No. 28 February 16, 2001 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact FROM: C.H. "Butch" Straub, II Director SUBJECT: Pending Enhancements to the On-Line Data Collection Tool With the assessment process well underway in most states, the Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support (ODP) has been working with the OJP Information Resources Management Division (IRMD) to develop and implement additional features within the On-Line Data Collection Tool. These new features are intended to assist states in using their assessment data to develop the required Three-Year Statewide Domestic Preparedness Strategies. Planned enhancements include a data analysis capability and a Jurisdiction Prioritization Tool. The data analysis capability is intended to give states considerable flexibility in how they can view and use the data being collected in the On-Line Data Collection Tool. A link will be added within the State Level Data Entry Module that will allow each State Administrative Agency (SAA) to run a standard set of comparative queries on their state's data. Through this link, each SAA will also have the ability to design their own unique queries. This data analysis capability is being designed with the latest ORACLE Discoverer technology, and is being provided to the states at no cost. The second planned enhancement, the Jurisdiction Prioritization Tool, will provide states with the ability to select specific criteria and weighting factors and use this information to compare and contrast local jurisdictions using the data captured in the On-Line Data Collection Tool. This capability will also be available to SAA users through a new link within the State Level Data Entry Module. Both the data analysis capability and the Jurisdiction Prioritization Tool should be available in early March. Additional information, including a job aid to help orient users to the new capabilities, will be provided at that time. In the interim, for technical assistance with existing elements of the On-Line Data Collection Tool, you may contact the OJP toll-free help line at 1-888-549-9901. Assistance with the public health assessment may be obtained by calling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention help line at 1-800-747-7649. You may also contact your ODP program manager for additional information and assistance related to conduct of the needs assessment and development of your three-year state strategy.