ODP Informational Bulletin No. 00-025 December 19, 2000 TO: State Administrative Agency Heads State Administrative Agency Heads Points of Contact FROM: C.H. (Butch) Straub, II Director SUBJECT: Training and Technical Assistance On September 25, 2000, ODP sent out an information bulletin requesting that each State Administrative Agency appoint an individual as the contact person responsible for the training aspect of your state-wide domestic preparedness plan, and the delivery of ODP training programs in your state. If you have not responded to our first request please use the attached form to convey this information to ODP. As you know, it is the State Administrative Agency's responsibility to plan and execute a comprehensive threat and needs assessment, and develop a three-year plan to enhance the state's overall emergency response capabilities to terrorist events. ODP will allocate its training, equipment, technical assistance, and exercise resources in accordance with the state's three year strategy. In order to better facilitate the delivery of these programs to the jurisdictions in your state ODP will designate a staff member to work directly with your agency to implement your state strategy. ODP expects to implement it's training programs, based on the submission and review of the state strategies, beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2002. Prior to the implementation of ODP training programs in FY 2002, ODP would like to set up a process which enables it to work closely with your designated training point of contact (POC) for scheduling requested ODP training for your state. In order for a jurisdiction in your state to attend a training class delivered by one of ODP'ss training partners [Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), Nevada Test Site (NTS), Louisiana State University (LSU), etc.], they must provide a request to your designated training point of contact. Once the request has been approved by your state's designated training point of contact, the Training POC will work with the ODP training partner who delivers the requested training, to schedule the training at their site for the jurisdiction. To offer all jurisdictions the same opportunity to attend classes the ODP training partners will no longer accept requests for training from a jurisdiction. In the event that a jurisdiction does contact the individual training centers, they will be directed back to your state's designated training point of contact for approval. This process will begin on February 1, 2000. If you have not appointed a contact person that will be responsible for the delivery of ODP training programs in your state, please do so as soon as possible. Once you have appointed this individual please use the attached form to convey this information to Darrell Darnell, Training Program Manager. If you have any questions, Mr. Darnell can be reached at (202) 307-6860 or DarnellD@OJP.USDOJ.GOV