ODP Information Bulletin No. 00-023 December 8, 2000 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact FROM: C.H. "Butch" Straub, II Director SUBJECT: Advisory for Users of the On-Line Data Collection Tool As usage of the Office for Domestic Preparedness Support (ODP) On-Line Data Collection Tool continues to increase, several common problem areas have emerged. This information bulletin is being provided to identify these issues to the community of users and provide some helpful hints for avoiding or addressing each. Issue # 1 - Many users are confusing the grant application process with the assessment and strategy development process. Please remember that grant applications are completed using the Office of Justice Programs' Grant Management System (GMS). Grantees may access GMS at the following URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/fundopps.htm. The On-Line Data Collection Tool, which is used to collect and submit the needs assessment data and three-year statewide strategies associated with the ODP State Domestic Preparedness Equipment Program, can be found on the ODP web site at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp. Issue # 2 - Many states are completing the entry of the assessment data for their local jurisdictions. Given the current design of the On-Line Data Collection Tool, this approach requires states to create multiple user id's (one for each local jurisdiction). We have found that some states have used variations of the same user id for this purpose. Without a carefully maintained master list of id's and passwords, this becomes extremely complicated. In addition, given that the user id's and passwords are case sensitive, utilization of case variations can further complicate this process. Adopting a standard where the user id reflects the jurisdiction name may help in this situation. (Note: ODP is also in the process of updating the Tool so that the user id will be identified in the approval screen and email message.) Issue # 3 - Currently, On-Line Data Collection Tool passwords expire after 60 days. This is a necessary security feature. However, the system currently provides no warning when a password is nearing its expiration. Instead, once a password has expired, users receive a message indicating that they have become an "unauthorized user." A modification is currently being developed that will provide user's with a warning and a field prompting them to change their password. In the interim, if an "unauthorized user" message is received, please call the OJP toll-free help line at 1- 888-549-9901 to have the password reset. I hope this information is helpful. If you have additional questions on these issues, please feel free to contact your ODP grant program manager.