ODP Information Bulletin
No. 107 - April 15, 2004

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All State Homeland Security Directors
FROM: C. Suzanne Mencer
SUBJECT: Submission of Required Documentation

Information Bulletin #97, dated January 23, 2004, requested a report of actual expenses that were incurred by state agencies and local jurisdictions for critical infrastructure protection during the last Orange level period, which began on December 21, 2003 and ended on January 9, 2004. To date, ODP has not received all of the expense reports requested, and some that were received were incomplete. SAAs should coordinate submission of this information with their respective Preparedness Officers as soon as possible.

Additionally, SAAs are reminded that required documentation, such as budget detail worksheets, does not need to be submitted all at once. ODP Preparedness Officers will work with grantees to allow for the submission of select critical infrastructure protection expense reimbursements or select budget detail worksheets at periodic intervals to relieve the burden of compiling, reviewing, and submitting the worksheets to ODP for approval all at once. This will also allow for the periodic release of funding for immediate draw down and expenditure where applicable, thus enhancing the availability of funds and expediting the state and local procurement process.

Thank you for your continued efforts and cooperation.