ODP Information Bulletin No. 00-008 July 24, 2000 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact FROM: C.H. "Butch" Straub, II Director SUBJECT: Additional Guidance for Registering Users of the On-Line Data Collection Tool The user registration module for the on-line data collection tool has now been activated by the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), Office of Justice Programs (OJP). As you know, the on-line data collection tool is being made available for States who choose to use this method to submit needs assessment data and strategic plans. The user registration module will allow State Administrative Agencies (SAAs) to approve other state and local users who will participate in the data entry process. The registration module may be accessed from the ODP home page located at the following URL: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp. Icons for the tool are located under "What's New" on the home page, as well as on the Assessments and Grant pages. After you locate the icon, simply click on "Registration Module" and follow the instructions provided. The registration module has been developed to give control of the registration process to the SAAs. Once your SAA point of contact (called the State Contact) registers and is approved by ODP, that person will then be able to approve the registration of: 1) other SAA users (called State Representatives); 2) the State Public Health Representative; and, Local Threat/Risk Jurisdiction users. (Note: Once approved by the State Contact, the State Public Health Representative will be responsible for approving the registration of all local Public Health Jurisdiction users.) A process flow diagram has been attached to this information bulletin to provide you with a reference tool to share with other state and local users of the system. As a reminder, OJP will implement the second phase of the data collection process on August 1, 2000. At that time, software will be made available on-line for local jurisdiction data input. SAAs will be able to input data beginning August 15, 2000, when the third phase of the on-line process is implemented. In anticipation of this, ODP requests that you provide a complete list of all state and local users of the on-line data collection tool to your ODP program manager. For technical assistance with the on-line data collection tool, you may contact the OJP toll-free help line at: 1-888-549-9901. You may also contact your ODP program manager for additional information and assistance related to conduct of the needs assessment and development of your state strategy. I look forward to working with you and your colleagues during the implementation of this program to enhance state and local emergency response capabilities. Attachment