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Mail Survey of Recipients of Bureau of Justice Statistics Print Publications, May 1997

This report presents the results of a survey of traditional users of BJS printed products to see whether other media might appeal to them more. The 1997 mail survey was mailed May 15, 1997, to 61,000 BJS registered users: 32,746 who had ordered a printed BJS report in the previous year, overlapping with 40,607 users registered in BJS information categories (law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole, courts, sentencing, victims, drugs and crime, information systems, criminal history records, justice expenditure and employment, federal offenses and offenders, and BJS). There were 15,179 respondents, a response rate of 26%. Almost 90% said they still wanted to receive printed and bound reports by mail; 5.5% said they did not. 4/98 NCJ 166369

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