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Cancer Patient Treatment Education Bill: HR5585
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Legislative Action Center - TAKE ACTION

Take Action to Support Oncology Nurses and People with Cancer

Make your voice heard; download the Tobacco Control Advocacy Post Card - Please print out and complete the Tobacco Control Advocacy Post Card. Mail the completed post card to ONS Headquarters at 125 Enterprise Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, and we will hand deliver it to President Obama.

H.R. 5585, the Assuring and Improving Cancer Treatment Education and Cancer Symptom Management Act of 2008
Write your elected officials about ONS priorities

Join ONStat - the ONS electronic grassroots network

Health Advocacy Efforts Make a Difference!
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Decision Memo for Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESAs) for non-renal disease indications (CAG-00383N). CMS responded to a number of organizations including ONS, who provided comments aimed at protect patients with cancer.

View the ONS Letter to CMS regarding ESAs.
View CMS Questions and Answers related to the Decision Memo.
View the ASCO update to the Decision Memo.

ASH-ASCO 2007 Clinical Practice Guideline Update on the Use of Epoetin and Darbepoetin Released

Advocacy 101: Making a Difference
This recently revised course introduces the concept of health policy advocacy and demonstrates to you how, in a minimal amount of time, can have a voice and impact on these critical decisions.

Capitol Connections
Capitol Connection is a monthly column about health policy advocacy and what is occurring in the nation's capital.  It appears in the ONS Connect and is written by Leslie Greenberg, RN, MSN, OCN – the ONS Health Policy Manager in Washington, DC.

NIWI - Nurse in Washington Internship (NIWI) Program
Apply for this unique program that provides nurses from all specialties the opportunity to learn how to influence health care through the legislative and regulatory processes.

ONS Capitol Gang
ONS Capitol Gang is an elite group of ONS members who reside in the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area who volunteer their time and expertise to help support ONS's health policy and advocacy efforts in the nation's capitol.

SHPLs - Find your State Health Policy Liaison
Get Connected to an ONS Volunteer In Your State Who Helps Oncology Nurses at the Local, State, and National Level Engage in Health Policy Advocacy Efforts

Cover the Uninsured
This site focuses on demonstrating broad support for the reauthorization of State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and the need to cover America's uninsured children.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at