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Advancing Health Through Science, Education and Medicine


ACSM is devoted to public awareness and education about the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages, from all occupations. The physicians, researchers and educators of the College have created tools for the general public and for special audiences. These resources include:

  • A physical activity guidelines page, which details ACSM's recommendations and their relationship to the U.S. federal physical activity guidelines and offers resources on starting an exercise program. ACSM is also highly involved with the soon-to-be-released National Physical Activity Plan.
  • Brochures offering tips on fitness and exercise, consumer product recommendations, and more. Many are available for free download as PDF files.
  • Current Comments  on topics relating to sports medicine and exercise science, written for a general audience.
  • Position Stands based on definitive research and scientific data, serving as official statements from ACSM. Position Stands are first published in ACSM's official journal, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®. They are a valuable resource for professional organizations, public agencies, clinicians and researchers. 
  • ACSM's Fit Society® Page, a quarterly newsletter with information on health and fitness, exercise, nutrition and more. Download it free as a PDF file.
  • ACSM's Degree Guidea free, online resource highlighting graduate and undergraduate programs at leading institutions.  Prospective students may search institutions by location or concentration.
  • ProFinder, a free service where you can search for professionals who have achieved the "Gold Standard" in credentialing.

Resources for Women
Links and articles specific to women and their health needs

Health and Fitness Information
Register to receive health and fitness information from ACSM.

NEW: Active Commuting
Kids urged to walk, bike or skate to school

Learn more about active commuting

Download and Print this Poster!
The published guidelines, Youth Football: Heat Stress and Injury Risk, are based on recommendations from a national panel of experts who examined hydration, environment, and other factors which cause players to overheat. The recommendations are designed for coaches, parents, and players to follow during preseason football practices.

Starting an Exercise Program


LINKS TO FITNESS INITIATIVES (Check back often for new links!)

Agita Mundo: ACSM has partnered with this Brazil-based international exercise organization to get people up and active on World Day for Physical Activity.

Youth Fitness
ACSM's Youth Resource Center contains a wealth of helpful information for young athletes, parents and coaches.

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition) is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8-13 years old stay at a healthy weight.

Action for Healthy Kids addresses the epidemic of overweight, undernourished and sedentary youth by focusing on changes at school.

Fitness for Seniors
ACSM's Active Aging Partnership has established The National Blueprint: Increasing Physical Activity Among Adults Age 50 and Older.

The International Council on Active Aging site lists numerous tools, including the e-newsletter HealthWord.

The National Institute on Aging offers a number of resources for Healthy Aging. Available online or by calling 1-800-222-2225.

Other Fitness Resources
The Female Athlete Triad Coalition represents key medical, nursing, athletic, and sports medicine groups, as well as concerned individuals dedicated to address unhealthy eating behaviors, hormonal irregularities, and bone health among female athletes and active women.

The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports serves as a catalyst to promote health, physical activity, fitness, and enjoyment for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.


Most people can and should exercise. However, there are individuals who should get their doctor's permission prior to beginning an exercise program. Anyone with an unstable medical condition will want to seek an exercise prescription from their doctor. Injury may also require an individual to wait for the healing to be complete prior to beginning exercise. If you have cardiac, pulmonary, or metabolic disease, you should begin your exercise in a medically supervised environment.

start slowly - listen to your body and your doctor...
For moderate endurance exercise, simply walk a little further each time you exercise and gradually increase the pace of your walks as the weeks pass. For strength exercise, lift a weight that you usually lift but do it more times than normal. Before beginning an aggressive exercise program, you should see your doctor or an exercise professional for screening tests and program advice.

the biggest risk to exercise is not starting...
You should consider several factors when choosing an aerobic activity for your personal fitness program.

Some activities involve jumping or pounding that may be uncomfortable or can lead to injury. Swimming, cross country skiing, in-line skating, cycling, and rowing are easier on the joints.

Some aerobic activities require expensive equipment, are seasonal, or are not readily available in certain locations.

Activities that require a lot of skill may discourage you. Try to avoid activities that do not fit with your skill base, and don't quit before you've developed the skills you need for the activity to become enjoyable.

social factor
Exercising with a group can be fun and beneficial. Sometimes exercising with other people is such fun that you're more likely to continue your fitness program. For safety reasons, some aerobic activities are best done with a group - From the ACSM Fitness Book (Third Edition), published by Human Kinetics.

a word of advice
You should always be able to catch your breath and speak comfortably while exercising. It is also normal to sense effort, and maybe even discomfort, but you should never sense pain. Learn to use a Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale.* Always remember to warm up slowly and to cool down gradually. If you use a trainer, be sure to check credentials. The exercise industry is not well regulated, so be sure to ask questions and seek ACSM certified individuals.


Related Files
Youth Football Poster (Adobe PDF File)

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